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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what does everyone do for jobs?

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i was wondering what everyone does for jobs. i work at a lhs full time. and my second side job is building log furniture. here are a few pics of the pieces i have made for myself. first is my bed its all white cedar and diamond willow





next this is a picture of the bench i made my mom for mothers day


other things i have built is a arbor that was just done for my girlfriends grandparents for there 50th anniversary and right now in the process of making 129 feet of log railings for a guys deck. i do the log furniture with girlfriends dad.

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Decided about a month ago to get out of the hockey industry and put my degree to work. I am taking my series 7 and 66 so that I can work with Ameriprise Financial. Not as fun as working at an ice rink evey day, but the pay is much better.

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i am selling cars / working in my friends hockey shop ( more for fun than for money) :D

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