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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what does everyone do for jobs?

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I've really enjoyed every long term position that I've had.

Four years at a radio station, mostly doing 7-midnight. Loved it but there wasn't enough money in it and with the consolidation and simulcasting that was coming at the time, there just wasn't a chance to break into a larger market when I quit.

After that I spent some time working for a friend fixing guitars and amps and doing a little studio work on the side. Nice and relaxing but still no real money.

I spent another few years doing IT stuff. Everything from installations to network design and management. Too bad the market really tanked with all of the people getting MCSEs from boot camps and cutting wages in half.

During that time I did some hockey stuff on the side and when I got out of IT I did the hockey thing for a couple years. It was a lot of fun but problems developed between me and my partner in the shop. Sometimes it's better to keep some hobbies seperated from work. I have been asked to consult on some hockey projects and I'll gladly do that for anyone who asks but I'm not sure that I want to do it full-time.

I just took a job with an airline because of the travel benefits. I may be doing an MSH tour in the near future.

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Student/ summer work I work for a cable company digging trenches to lay undergrond cable.

EDIT: So I quit that job when I got a summer job on the slope working on the pipeline...it was pretty sweet.

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Grad student, and until ASU will let me know if I got my transfer, Ican't really try to find a new internship and then quit in August, so I'm bouncing at clubs on Greenville in Dallas. The wierd part is I actually like getting hit more than I like hitting people. (Unless I get hit on the end of the nose, but a good old jaw or eye shot doesn't bother me.)

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Grad student, and until ASU will let me know if I got my transfer, Ican't really try to find a new internship and then quit in August, so I'm bouncing at clubs on Greenville in Dallas. The wierd part is I actually like getting hit more than I like hitting people. (Unless I get hit on the end of the nose, but a good old jaw or eye shot doesn't bother me.)

what are you, a masochist?

full time student, looking for summer job

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Grad student, and until ASU will let me know if I got my transfer, Ican't really try to find a new internship and then quit in August, so I'm bouncing at clubs on Greenville in Dallas. The wierd part is I actually like getting hit more than I like hitting people. (Unless I get hit on the end of the nose, but a good old jaw or eye shot doesn't bother me.)

what are you, a masochist?

full time student, looking for summer job

Kind of, pain is good sometimes. Besides, I know that when I feel pain, then someone is going to jail ;)

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Company Gunnery Sergeant, B co 1st Batt 25th Marines (reserve)

I also work for the Dept of the Navy, I refuel Nuclear reactors on submarines.

bubbled headed 0369 scary thought.

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Grad student, and until ASU will let me know if I got my transfer, Ican't really try to find a new internship and then quit in August, so I'm bouncing at clubs on Greenville in Dallas. The wierd part is I actually like getting hit more than I like hitting people. (Unless I get hit on the end of the nose, but a good old jaw or eye shot doesn't bother me.)

what are you, a masochist?

Thats not so wierd, we are all hockey players after all.

say Drew, what kind of pay do you get for that. I was semi-seriously looking into it last summer but the risk-v-reward does not seem worth it.

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Grad student, and until ASU will let me know if I got my transfer, Ican't really try to find a new internship and then quit in August, so I'm bouncing at clubs on Greenville in Dallas. The wierd part is I actually like getting hit more than I like hitting people. (Unless I get hit on the end of the nose, but a good old jaw or eye shot doesn't bother me.)

what are you, a masochist?

Thats not so wierd, we are all hockey players after all.

say Drew, what kind of pay do you get for that. I was semi-seriously looking into it last summer but the risk-v-reward does not seem worth it.

Works out to about 15-25 an hour depending on location, day, time, and event. You get paid more to bounce at strip clubs, but those are a whole different story. Every bouncer I've ever worked with that bounced a strip club has either been shot, stabbed, or both. Apparently the boobs bring out the crazies instead of just the drunk frat boys.

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I was a bouncer in college at a small semi-dive bar with a mixed crowd of college kids/bikers/inncer city folk out to get ripped. Apparently they had a bunch of stabbings and almost nightly fights, so they had to bring in inexperienced / low-paid ($10/hr) bouncers to settle things down. In the summer I was there, I only had to break up one girl fight and warn a few drunk guys that were puffing their chests to settle down. Once drunks see someone who "should" know how to beat their ass has an eye on them, they typically settle down. It was painfully boring most of the time...not like a NYC club or strip club that's for sure.

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I was a bouncer in college at a small semi-dive bar with a mixed crowd of college kids/bikers/inncer city folk out to get ripped. Apparently they had a bunch of stabbings and almost nightly fights, so they had to bring in inexperienced / low-paid ($10/hr) bouncers to settle things down. In the summer I was there, I only had to break up one girl fight and warn a few drunk guys that were puffing their chests to settle down. Once drunks see someone who "should" know how to beat their ass has an eye on them, they typically settle down. It was painfully boring most of the time...not like a NYC club or strip club that's for sure.

so what does a bouncer do?

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