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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CNT Stealth

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Place I was at today for a game, Atlantic City Skate Zone had 'em going for $209.99...unless it was last year's. They don't update prices too often

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how much more is that then the stealths from 04-05? $20-$30 more? i havent paid too much attention to the 06-07 stuff, but whats the big deal with the "CNT"? like why is it so much better?

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When you have a carbon fibre weave, there are holes in the weave (if you dont understand just have a look at anything made out of wicker) How one of the easton reps explained it to me is that the CNT is basically a gap filler used to strengthen the carbon fibre.

Plus they re-placed material on the stick, moving excess material from the face sides of the shaft, to the corners of it (running up and down the stick) to strengthen it more.

All in all, the stick is heavier although still light as a feather, but more durable and IMO better feeling. The old ones felt like you were hittin a brick with a feather when you tried to shoot the puck, these at least have some substance to them.

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$210 USD should be the standard price for most LHS and internet stores.

agreed. We haven't even gotten ours in, we just have a few in from samples. Without being technical...the stealth CNT blade has a hotter blade meaning the puck jumps off of it quick. A lot of people loved the feel of the SL CNT and the stealth feels even better. Myself and others that have already gotten ahold of a new stealth and have been using it for a while have had good success with it both performance and durability wise with the new CNT and the corner reinforcement.

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