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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the Break up

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I thought it was a fun movie, with quite a bit of realism thrown into it. Of course I'm a girl, so I like movies with the chick flick vibe, which this definately had. I thought Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston did a great job and the people who were the buddies in the movie did well too.

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I've only seen one flick (office space) with Jennifer Anniston in it that I liked and she really wasn't that good (or important) in it. I'll see it when it's free but I'm not paying $8.50 to see it.

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My girlfriend wanted to go see it badly. I laughed, and took the 30 bucks we would have spent on seeing that mushy bag of crap to go get some chinese food, rent The Hebrew Hammer, Life of Brian, and Rambo II. Much better night :P

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Well I promised I would take my girlfriend to see a movie this week and she dragged me to this dumb sack of shit. I lauged once or twice, she loved it I hated it. Definaltly a chick flick.

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Just don't go, then you can save the money and yourself from looking like a dick throwing stuff at people and probably having your ass beat.

I laughed at the "of dick" line and that was it. Definitely not a movie to see with a girl you're interested in/currently seeing.

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Didn't see it, glad I didn't as it's horrible on the reviews.

Mack, why would that be?

Dont judge a movie upon how critics view it... but... www.rottentomatoes.com is a great site if you do like listening to critics.

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Man should not discuss chick flicks on hockey forums, even under the Miscellaneous Discussion - Man Law


I second the motion.

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Man should not discuss chick flicks on hockey forums, even under the Miscellaneous Discussion - Man Law


I second the motion.

After the shoes and other crap you've posted...wow.

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Man should not discuss chick flicks on hockey forums, even under the Miscellaneous Discussion - Man Law


I second the motion.

After the shoes and other crap you've posted...wow.

waiting for that... good job mack... ill toss em up, you knock em out.

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Which movie was the get together bc it probably sucked too

What the hell are you trying to say?

Is it just me or have the boards been flooded with kids who just got out of school for the summer, and have nothing better to do than troll MSH? I think we can all think of the one obvious example, and it seems like there are many more as well.

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Saw it with the babe. I missed quite a bit of it for some reason. But the parts I did see, it wasn't that bad. I'd see it again.

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Saw it with the babe. I missed quite a bit of it for some reason. But the parts I did see, it wasn't that bad. I'd see it again.

when i saw didnt laugh at all. we walked out halfway, and hung out.

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