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Fifa World Cup 2006 Germany

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CANTONA! My favourite player of all time (even if he has let himself go abit)

One of the best highlight videos i think ever including hockey


that guy is amazing

and a Manchester Man too

but whats great is that most of those goals were scored from outside the 18

just absolutely amazing and yeah he really let himself go

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Goaltending made that game. England has some great fans. That redcard was bullshit though. If you think that was warented, then soccer is a pussy sport.

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I wasn't pulling either way in that game until Ronaldo just goes down untouched outside the box...

soccer can be among the most exciting sports at times..but too often you have 22 Claude Lemieux's running around the rink, or Mario's even :P

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That England game was awfully suspect. The handball in the box. The Rooney redcard (when later Portugal did the same thing without a card) and the take-down in the box during golden goal. All a little fishy.

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Goaltending made that game. England has some great fans. That redcard was bullshit though. If you think that was warented, then soccer is a pussy sport.

Rooney stamped on the guys balls - red card, no question. The fact that football is a "pussy sport" was never in doubt from me at least, don't worry! :D

The "take-down in the box during the golden goal" wasn't a foul - even the spectacularly biased English commentators we have to suffer agreed that the ref made the correct call, the guy got the ball first. And the "golden goal" rule doesn't exist anymore.

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France looked awful in the group stage but they played a great game today.. they might be the team to beat now..

I agree with Cunndies .. stomping testicles = red card...

Sick goal by Henry today..

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so he is such a man he dosent know how ot properley run? His legs are so strong that he breaks them... your right boss.

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Man the Cantona highlights are impressive.  For all of you that refer to football as a "pussy sport" take a look at this:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsmLa5Jr8EU

Yikes....there must have been some kind of other condition going on that lead to that...didn't look nearly as hard as some hits/tackes I've seen this year alone in WC.

Showing an injury like has very little to do with whether the sport is a "pussy" sport. Yes...you've gotta have endurance, you've gotta be strong. No questioning the sport itself is hard to play (and play well)...but the way *most* footballers act (diving, whining etc...) make them "pussies" of the sport world.

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football is not a pussy sport, but about 70% of the players act like pussys!!!

i mean if you watch a football game you can see that there are a lot of situations where you can just feel tha pain while watching.

the thing i hate about footballplayers is when they are crying around after been takled, so you can see in the slomo that the guy was not even touched by an other player and is laying down on the grass an holding his leg...

for me as ahockey player laying at the ice was just a blame so i only did it when i was really injured, i guess most of you guys do it the same ( i hope so) :D

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You can't go by the video, because injuries happen in any sport...from soccer to hockey to racquetball...

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i mean all the diving you see is just terrible. Even if they arent diving, when they do tangle legs and fall they sit on the ground and cry like babies. If that was hockey they would jump right backup.

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