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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chin cup

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Okay, playing women's hockey you have to wear a full cage. I don't mind at all, my only problem is, is that I always get breakout on my chin after playing hockey.

I wash it after every ice time, have put astringent (face wash) on it, but it still happens.

I don't wear my helmet that tight, but its really annoying!

One of my buddies suggested using antibactiral wipes.

Any advice?

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Sounds like there is something in the foam tha you maybe allergic to? Sometimes it just happens and you have to switch cages to some of the newer materials...I take it is a Itech cage?

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Yeah it's an itech cage.

I have a bauer 5000 helmet, but I had the helmet from back when I had my old helmet.

So, guessing I should pick up a bauer cage?

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Well not sure what store in calgary is an A level store as I work for the Forzani group. I will try and get back to you by tomorrow.


You rock!

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I had the same problem when I was little. The padding would always cause my chin to rash up after I played. I just put an armband over it and it worked.. Some football players do this with their chin straps too.

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you can get covers for the chin cups at most sporting good stores. I used to use one for football to keep from getting the rash or worse acne :-o

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Under armor makes a chin strap cover...i think it's for football but they work for hockey. Really comfortable too.

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Some guys wore these back in my football days. The ones that removed them and washed them once a week had a better rate of success. One guy bought 4 or 5 of them and switched it out every day, washing them by the week instead of every night. JR is right, however, it's the bacteria. Try rubbing your chin with Purell before each use-





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Had the same problem when I was younger. Cleaned the cup out with rubbing alcohol after every session and it stopped. I still do it out of habit but haven't had any problems for at least 5 years.

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My chin barely touches the chin cup...but thos covers or armbands are a good idea, I hate the feeling of a wet chin cup.

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your problem might me wearing it too loose.

I know this might not make sense at first, but if your chin was snug to the cup, that would make it move around less, and rub less. The breakouts could be caused by friction related irritation.

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Buy a container of those Oxy pads, throw it in your bag, and use it to wipe out your chin cup after every practice/game.

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your problem might me wearing it too loose.

I know this might not make sense at first, but if your chin was snug to the cup, that would make it move around less, and rub less. The breakouts could be caused by friction related irritation.

No, I believe I answered the question. Sorry.

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If you were a guy I'd advise you to grow a beard, it adds extra padding and keeps the chin cup off your skin :P

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If you were a guy I'd advise you to grow a beard, it adds extra padding and keeps the chin cup off your skin :P

Very true. My goatee keeps my my chin from directly touching my sweaty chin cup. :D

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