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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How old were you when you started drinking?

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after reading the beer thread i was wondering old old were all your when you first started drinking?

for myslef i first started last year at 15. i would not concider myself a heavy drinker i only drink around 1-2 a month.

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I was arrested by the garda back home in Ireland at the ripe old age of 13.

We all went drinking, about 3 in the am we were walking about the streets, car lights ahead, everyone ducks into the bushes but me, too hammered to know any different.

Car pulls up, garda asks what I am doing in the middle of the road at 3 o clock. I tell him I am walking my dog.

Which would have been a fine plan, but for 2 factors.

1. I didn't have a dog

2. Garda Foy knew this, because I am from a fairly small town up in the north of Ireland, and he had played poker regularly with my father, so knew we didn't have a dog.

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Last year, so, 15. I drink once in a while, but have never been drunk. It's not really my thing.

...I think this shoulda been a poll though, so people that could remain anonomyus, could.

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Last year, so, 15. I drink once in a while, but have never been drunk. It's not really my thing.

So what the hell is the point?

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12 and im in th UK

Us Uk'ers eh? :)

i started drinking when i was about 12-13, and i drink probably 1 a week before the dancing(nightclubs for 14-18). i guess now its just normal ;)

in the summer its a diffrent story, we are drinking like every 3-4 days.

Most kids in the uk start drinking about 11-13.

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I started last year in grd 9 but I only do it on special ocassions like birthdays or may 24 etc.

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I'm a product of the 70's and early 80's

Didnt ever drink much at all until I hit 30 or so.

I had drank a couple of times fairly young (13 or 14) puked my guts out a couple times-that just kind of turned me off to it

Now some Kine Bud........................................................

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I turn 17 on the 24th and I haven't started drinking with regularity or getting drunk on the weekend, whatever you want to refer to it as. I am sure once I get out on my own I will have my share of alcohol but right now I fail to see the point in it. You know you have issues when you are drinking mouthwash because the bottle says it contains alcohol.

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Have drank the odd beer around 13, 14 but never really gotten drunk until a couple months ago. It's only been about 4 or 5 times that I have gotten drunk so I'm really not that into it.

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18. But I only really drank for 2 years, until I was MAYBE twenty.

I'm over it now. My boyfriend doesn't drink at all, so I find no point to it.

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I mean playing ice hockey drunk is an experiance to remember! :D

Try playing blazed, its even more fun.

I've been tossing back cold ones since 8th grade. Started heavy drinking in 11th grade. 30 packs on saturday are no problem.

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Last year, so, 15. I drink once in a while, but have never been drunk. It's not really my thing.

So what the hell is the point?

Cause my grandmom used to be a hardcore alcoholic, would come home piss-drunk every night and pass out on the bathroom floor and left my mom to drag her to her bed. And just recently, my uncle who is also a hardcore alcoholic, came home one night, drunk off his ass, and beat my Aunt, he got arrested, and then when he was released, overdosed on heroin and was stuck in the hospital for 2 weeks...so I'm not really looking forward to going down the same road as either of those two thank you very much.

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