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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How old were you when you started drinking?

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In ireland you could get served beer at like 15 or 16...I loved Ireland whenb I vistited. I have had few beers..but don't like it all that much. If I am going to drink than give me the hard liquer like a white russian or something. I don't think there is any point to drink unless your getting hammered. I have a bigger taking of it like it take sme longer to get hammered than others. Probably because my dad was a hardcore alcoholic after he lost his mother in like 2001, retired, drank to the fullest, hammered every night and more horrible stuff that you can't even inmagine..then when I was in 6th grade so 2003 he died on valentines day. Didn't even get to say goodbye. The before he died my granpa died, then after that my other grandpa died, my grandma died so I had a horrible year and a not so good life now. I have gone through alot! So 2 of the 5 deaths were from hardcore alcoholicism..not happening to me. My fathers dad died when he was my age or younger too, I think...I am pretty sure..I just hope it doesn't happen to me. But he died from mineing(sp?). Now that I have spent my semi-story life. Peace

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i love beer pong and beer funnels.  drunk frisbee golf is pretty fun too.

Rubbing alcohol gets you a better buzz fast, just get a really big bottle at Sam's/Costco etc and chug that bastard down.

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Started drinking at 21.

Keep in mind I grew up in the Dominican Republic, where I used to get bottles of rum and cigarettes for my dad when I was 7. Totally different mentality.

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^^Your missing out big time!

I mean playing ice hockey drunk is an experiance to remember! :D

I've gone to practice drunk and played hung over after a pubcrawl.

Never ever ever.

And plus, my guy gets kind of uppity when I drink. I get kind of stupid.

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i love beer pong and beer funnels.  drunk frisbee golf is pretty fun too.

Rubbing alcohol gets you a better buzz fast, just get a really big bottle at Sam's/Costco etc and chug that bastard down.

But do you think just one bottle is enough for him? Afterall, he is 16 and can down TWO full cases at a party.

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17. I never considered my self a "heavy drinker" until this week when I found out that Heavy Drinker is defined by Health Canada as:

...someone who goes out at least once a month consumes 5 or more drinks.

My God...I know a LOT of heavy drinkers.

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I'm 15, almost 16, and never drank a bit...well had about a half of a Corona in Mehico once when I was younger but thats nothing.

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About 15 when the 3rd year guys on my midget team first started bringing me out on a regular basis. Nothing much else to do her but get pissed and bang the old lady every weekend.

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17. I never considered my self a "heavy drinker" until this week when I found out that Heavy Drinker  is defined by Health Canada as:

...someone who goes out at least once a month consumes 5 or more drinks.

My God...I know a LOT of heavy drinkers.

here they say 3 or more drinks per day is a heavy drinker.

15 year olds (first time drinking + tequila) = lots of vomiting.

couldn't drink tequila again till earlier this year, almost 7 years later.

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Young enough?

Drinking regularly, i started about 10 or 11.I could get served in a pub at 12. First got drunk at 5 or 6.

Over the course of a week in the summer i drink about 30 odd beers. If its a party weekend then its about 30 over the weekend. I can drink about 15 before i get stupidly drunk.

Im 16 now and recovering from a hangover as i type...... :angry:

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Uk kids start to drink early coz its the "in thing" to do when you young.

Started drinking when i was about 13 becasue all the idiots in my school thought it was cool. Only drank at partys till i was 16-17 then stoped because i started playing hockey............ 18 now and have drank about 4 times between 16-18.

Beer taste like sh*t! Donno how anyone can drink the stuff. Cant be asked to look "kool" at partys or try and fit in.

I do drink on special occasions tho.

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Tried some when i was a kid.

Started at about 13 or something, however we dont have a legal age here (italy).

Oh well maybe there is but nobody cares.

And considering that my father makes wine for hobby... 1700 litres... and we dont sell it!

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17. I never considered my self a "heavy drinker" until this week when I found out that Heavy Drinker  is defined by Health Canada as:

...someone who goes out at least once a month consumes 5 or more drinks.

My God...I know a LOT of heavy drinkers.

here they say 3 or more drinks per day is a heavy drinker.

15 year olds (first time drinking + tequila) = lots of vomiting.

couldn't drink tequila again till earlier this year, almost 7 years later.

3 drinks PER DAY....yeah, I'd call that heavy...but 5, once a month?

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i started at 15 as well, but i can down 2 cases at a party.

I am not ususally one to attack anyone around here, but in this case I will make an exception. Domileafs, you are a LIAR. Don't you think you did enough damage to your reputation around here with that video of your self and the excuses you made when people criticized your technique? Please don't make it worse by making such a foolish claim. Alcohol poisoning or passing out cold would end your evening LONG before you got close to 48 beers in one sitting.

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i started at 15 as well, but i can down 2 cases at a party.

I am not ususally one to attack anyone around here, but in this case I will make an exception. Domileafs, you are a LIAR. Don't you think you did enough damage to your reputation around here with that video of your self and the excuses you made when people criticized your technique? Please don't make it worse by making such a foolish claim. Alcohol poisoning or passing out cold would end your evening LONG before you got close to 48 beers in one sitting.

Thank you thank you thank you, someone stood up and said it!

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i started at 15 as well, but i can down 2 cases at a party.

I am not ususally one to attack anyone around here, but in this case I will make an exception. Domileafs, you are a LIAR. Don't you think you did enough damage to your reputation around here with that video of your self and the excuses you made when people criticized your technique? Please don't make it worse by making such a foolish claim. Alcohol poisoning or passing out cold would end your evening LONG before you got close to 48 beers in one sitting.

Thank you thank you thank you, someone stood up and said it!

2 cases could mean two 6ers to him, 12 beer is a pretty easy task. Even 2 12's is possible. I'm guessing he means two 6-packs though. Well i sure hope so atleast

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My mother once gave me the best advice I've ever heard in my life; it was in reference to drinking, but it's applicable to anything.

She never cared whether we drank, but one night I threw up from drinking. Ironically, I hadn't drank as much as normal that night, but some combination of food/alcohol didn't stay down. The next day my mother wanted to talk to me about knowing when to stop, etc, etc. I remember arguing with her that I was a lightweight when it came to drinking, I hadn't drank much the previous night, yada, yada, yada.

Finally, she said, "Look, I know if I tell you that you can't drink anymore, the first thing you're going to do is go out and drink. So, if it takes you five beers to get drunk, drink four. If it takes you four beers to get sick, drink three. Other than that, have a good time."

That, my young friends, is priceless advice for just about anything. I think I may have forgetten it only one time, when I realized I was closing in on my record. Big whoop. I hit my record and ended up missing almost the entire Who concert while perched over a garbage can. Since then, I'll drink maybe twenty beers a year and haven't been sick in twenty-five years.

The most I've drank in that time happened at my wedding, where my good friend was DJing for us. I told him, "Wow, Paul, I must have had five or six beers last night, but I don't think I finished any of them!"

"I know. Every time you came to talk to me, you left a half empty bottle on the booth...." :D

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im 16 and ive drank a couple of times, but last thanksgiving my brother drank too much and threw up all over my bedroom and since then i havent really drank. and now i cant smell "spray n' wash" without thinking about him throwing up :D

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Very good advice. I have a similar story....in HS we had been out on a Saturday at a buddies place...had a few beers. On the Sunday, I was laying on the couch like a corpse. My Mom walks in....

"What were you drinking last night"

"What do you mean?" (with squinty eyes and that gummy ick feeling)

(quiet stare from Mom)

"Just beer"

"who drove..."


"Just don't be stupid"

I may be paraphrasing...it was quite a while ago...but still good advice.

I kinda follow that "If 5 makes you drunk, drink 4" rule now. There are 2 nights from college that I don't recall really well...but other than that, I haven't drank to (extreme) illness since. The occasional hangover, but I find a 591ML Gatorade before bed helps huge.

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Very good advice. I have a similar story....in HS we had been out on a Saturday at a buddies place...had a few beers. On the Sunday, I was laying on the couch like a corpse. My Mom walks in....

"What were you drinking last night"

"What do you mean?" (with squinty eyes and that gummy ick feeling)

(quiet stare from Mom)

"Just beer"

"who drove..."


"Just don't be stupid"

I may be paraphrasing...it was quite a while ago...but still good advice.

I kinda follow that "If 5 makes you drunk, drink 4" rule now. There are 2 nights from college that I don't recall really well...but other than that, I haven't drank to (extreme) illness since. The occasional hangover, but I find a 591ML Gatorade before bed helps huge.

i find also fast food and the gatorade work wonders

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i guess i started around 14

getting sick is no fun, except when you don't remember it lol

true getting sick sucks. tonight was the first time throwing up while drinking and it was in front of a bunch of girls deffinatly sucked

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