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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Open face blade/Wristshots

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I am using a CCM vector 110 composite blade in Fischer Curve. The curve is 5/8 Heel very open. The blade seems a bit too open. Has anyone else seemed to loose a little zip on their wrist shots with a open faced blade?

Anyway, I am considering heating the blade to close the face up a little. I have heard plenty of yes/no for re-curving composite, but what are everyones opinions on just closing the face a little?


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Using open blades, I find it works better to use more of a snapshot than a general wristshot motion. I don't let the puck roll down the blade and just kind of shovel it off instead.

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You might want to try rolling your wrists over more when you shoot. As with any blade, you just have to adjust its advantages and disadvantages.

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Anyway, I am considering heating the blade to close the face up a little. I have heard plenty of yes/no for re-curving composite, but what are everyones opinions on just closing the face a little?

i wouldnt, i think its your mechanics thats giving you the shooting trouble

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I am using a CCM vector 110 composite blade in Fischer Curve. The curve is 5/8 Heel very open. The blade seems a bit too open. Has anyone else seemed to loose a little zip on their wrist shots with a open faced blade?

Try altering your motion a little, I rarely take a traditional wrist shot anymore, I will pull the puck into my body and snap it off rather than the sweeping motion of a wrist shot, I find it's quicker, produces a harder shot and gives the goalie more trouble because i'm changing the angle. With a curves less open I will take more wrist shots, but I rarely use them not because I find this is much more productive.

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I've recurved CCM 1052s but I'd suggest you not to do it. It's much harder to take away curve than it is to make it bigger and the blade will crack.

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Mack is right. I use open curves like he does, and you can't get off a great wrist shot, its all about a snap shot. Also, take time and practice, the it becomes much easier.

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Mack is right. I use open curves like he does, and you can't get off a great wrist shot, its all about a snap shot. Also, take time and practice, the it becomes much easier.

Same here, but if you do use a wrist shot make sure to be smooth and not just "shovel it." If so it'll got wayy over the net.

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Your mechanics are everything. I find that I "cup" the puck and lean over more for wristers with an open heel curve. Also I feel like its easier to bring the puck from further behind my body and really "whip" the shot with my arms and aim with my wrists. As others have said, a snap shot works better if you don't want to, or have time to, use a more deliberate almost accentuated motion.

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After getting use to open curves, I found that my wrist shot hasn't suffered at all. I used the Modano retail for years and switched to the Drury retail curve. In fact, once in a while I will use my brother's Modano curve stuff and my wristers aren't as good! It's all technique!

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Using open blades, I find it works better to use more of a snapshot than a general wristshot motion. I don't let the puck roll down the blade and just kind of shovel it off instead.

Hey Mack,

I did the same thing than you because I'm playing with open curve. Instead of rolling the puck, I shovel it. It seems to give a better release.

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I the last 3 years I have grown to love open face blades. As said the key is a quick release and a snap type of motion. You will find with a shorter release they you will become more acurate hitting the corners as well. If you roll your bottom hand over on the follow through you can also get killer snap shots off in the lower corners. It is an adjustment for sure.

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I agree about it being a quicker release and it taking some used to. On the converse of that, it took me a while to adjust back to a normal less-wedgy curve and try to get off decent shots with it.

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