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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm 16 and i think i've pretty much decided when im 18 that i will give blood, but i was just wondering do any of you guys give blood?

Any specific reasons you give blood? (I only ask becuase i have a friend who is a haemafeliac (sp?) and thats one of my main reasons)

Also would it stop you playing hockey, say in the first couple of hours after?

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I have given blood and played soccer after a few hours. Just make sure your blood sugar levels are up and you should be fine. Drink plenty of OJ and have a few cookies ;)

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I don't mean its not a good enough reason to just do it anyway, but thats just one of my specific reasons apart from the obvious

oh yeah, i wasnt directing that twards you...

i was just saying that for those who are old enough to do it, that is a good cause

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I have given blood and played soccer after a few hours. Just make sure your blood sugar levels are up and you should be fine. Drink plenty of OJ and have a few cookies ;)

you better drink apple juice... OJ will kill you :D

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you better drink apple juice... OJ will kill you :D

On a 1-10 scale, 1 being a horrible burn, 10 being a super burn, that's a 2.34. Brutal.

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At home (Ireland) when you give blood, you get a glass of guinness to replace iron right after you give it. Right in the back of the van/bloodmobile thing.

I can't give blood over here. I moved here 6 years ago, from the northern part of Ireland, and because of the whole mad cow disease thing going on at the time, they don't take blood from northern Ireland, border counties and parts of the UK.

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I have given blood and played soccer after a few hours.  Just make sure your blood sugar levels are up and you should be fine.  Drink plenty of OJ and have a few cookies  ;)

you better drink apple juice... OJ will kill you :D


I know that you're at home this summer, and you have nothing to do because your "friends" haven't called you at all. While it may seem like a good idea to come on here and try to be funny, ask retarded questions, and post sweet topless pictures of yourself, I think I speak for everyone when I say just go away. Seriously. Thanks.

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Light sports are OK, but if I try and play hockey hard after giving blood I feel very tired/slow and lightheaded, not the best idea.

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Don't give blood on the day you have a game or practice. Some people can do it... but some can't. There are alternatives to blood donation too, you can donate plasma or platelets. Plasma donation isn't hard on the body at all because they put all the "stuff" back into your body and only take the liquid. Platelet donations takes a longer (2-3 hrs) but can be done twice a week if someone wants to. Platelet donation is important for people with cancer because they need platelets a lot. Its also good because in one platelet donation they can get as many platelets as there are in 4 whole blood donations. I'm 25 yrs old and I've probably given 2 gallons already. I'm not sure why I do it... probably because its easy to do and its much appreciated. Minimal effort is involved. :P You just sit there and bleed.

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What about being an organ donor? I think I got the term right. You choose when you get your license. Did any of you do it or any reasons not too? I think Im going to in, after watching a movie about it at school, I dont see any reason not to.

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I did because it's just one of those things you can't take with you, so you may as well be of service to someone.

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I did because it's just one of those things you can't take with you, so you may as well be of service to someone.

What about your liver man? Is that gonna be of use to anyone? :lol:

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I do it like once a year. No problem with doing sports a couple of hours afterwards. Over here they take about 300 to 400 millilitres don´t know if it´s different over in the US. I also got an Organ donnation pass (spelling?) so that if you are clinically dead after an accident they may transplant your intact organs. Not a bad thing about about it im my opinion.

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