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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprung Hockey

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Hey just purchased a pair of one95s and was wondering if anyone had converted a pair and put black sprung a7 chassis on??????????????? I have seen them in white on here just wondering what they would look like in black before i make the decision. I Have'nt seen a single player using them in the uk yet just when i have played abroad, reading the reviews on here made my mind up for me cause always used 80-72 hilo. So anyone ?????????????????

Fletch got his converted on some A7 long time ago... scroll halfway down and there should be a pic of the skates on black A7.


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i want to see someone mount some sprungs on these babies..


Maybe something like the Caffeine design, all done in injection molded mag alloy with everything polished up and shiny like the boot? Maybe a few black/orange accents to totally tie it in? Notice how the front wheels could go up into the boot where Tour has so conveniently made some space.


So where are we with these puppies Keith??? I would even buy a pair of the tours just to show what it would look like...

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im sure he does

side question - if i wanted to order frames off the website how do i specify color? or is that not an option?

White only. If you want a color it's easy with Rit dye, and there's a bunch of posts on how to do it somewhere here.

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This is our new super light Sniper concept design which has a Zytel body (ice holder material and mgf. methods) with a stamped aluminum anti-torque plate built into the spine, and injection molded mag alloy arms. The suspension configuration is taller with more snap and the wheel pairs can be close for the smallest size, which gives more control over the sizing. Probably four Sr sizes. This is the 80/84 version.



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This is our new super light Sniper concept design which has a Zytel body (ice holder material and mgf. methods) with a stamped aluminum anti-torque plate built into the spine, and injection molded mag alloy arms. The suspension configuration is taller with more snap and the wheel pairs can be close for the smallest size, which gives more control over the sizing. Probably four Sr sizes. This is the 80/84 version.



This concept design is an 80/84, as was one of the Caffeine designs, along with all 80s. If it comes to life, there are 84mm wheel molds waiting for some hockey compounds. I design in both configurations because we can do both. If this came out next week I'd gladly return some A7s. And JRs watermark is toocool. ;)

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Those look pretty interesting. They seem to have more built-in heel lift than the A7's (which is fine by me, I added 1/4" to mine anyway). I also noticed they're asymmetrical, so there will be a left & right, unlike the previous versions which were ambidextrous. I'm not a big worry-wart when it comes to weight, though there are certainly many out there who are, how will these compare to previous models weight wise?

Care to make any guesses on when they'll be available (or at least when testing will begin) or estimated cost?

I would assume that the all 80 version would be the biggest seller, at least until 84's are readily available.

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I like the look of those... How long will the wheel base be compared to A6's?

The A6s are 9 5/8", the all 80 Sniper is 9 7/8", and the 80/84 is 10 1/8". These will be the second size, with the first sizes being all 76s and 76/80s, both of which will be shorter than the A6, so that the small will fit the smallest sizes better, and the transition into the full wheel size is quicker with four sizes, which is about half the number of ice holder sizes in the 6-13 Sr range.

This is still in the concept stage, but I've been working on the 80/84 for a long time, and I talked to a few wheel companies early on to make sure that at least a speed mold existed, which is probably where Revision's 100mm wheel came from. All that's necessary is the demand, and I sure want to skate on an 80/84 because it's the most wheel you can get in the right amount of space. And with all those big wheels connected to the best suspension configuration we've done, it should be a blast.

My very first idea for the frame body was a modified Zytel ice body, but the first prototypes were aluminum because it had just caught on bigtime in the business, and it's relatively easy to produce CNCd prototypes compared to ice holders or the present Sprungs. Especially if you actually want to skate on your prototypes. Sprungs started out as an ice product in my mind which is why they're white.

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If I may, I'd like to suggest that the suspension pivots & wheel axles on your next generation sprungs require tools on both sides (i.e. allen keys, wrench, etc.) or have one side "captured" in a material more resistant to stripping that the current models. It would seem this would be very easy with the axles, since the suspension arms will be alloy. I think this would eliminate the majority of the issues people have had, not to mention giving you less exposure to warranty replacements (which you seemed to be top notch with, BTW). I'm sure you've already considered this, though I figured it couldn't hurt to mention.

Keep us updated on the progress with the new model, I suspect there are many people here anxious to see these "come to life".


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when the new frames come out - whenever that ends up being, will it be possible to dye them with RIT dye as well? or maybe multiple colors will be available? maybe its still to early to ask..

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when the new frames come out - whenever that ends up being, will it be possible to dye them with RIT dye as well? or maybe multiple colors will be available? maybe its still to early to ask..

A slight guess on my part, but, if its made of the same materials Ice Holders are then yes, you would be able to dye them. However, there has been stories of it weakening the holders and causing breaks and springy-ness. I dont like the springy feeling, but some do, and I don't think anyone likes broken holders on their skates. Another issue I see with dying the sprungs would be the aluminum plate. I personally wouldn't dump it in a vat of RIT.

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when the new frames come out - whenever that ends up being, will it be possible to dye them with RIT dye as well? or maybe multiple colors will be available? maybe its still to early to ask..

A slight guess on my part, but, if its made of the same materials Ice Holders are then yes, you would be able to dye them. However, there has been stories of it weakening the holders and causing breaks and springy-ness. I dont like the springy feeling, but some do, and I don't think anyone likes broken holders on their skates. Another issue I see with dying the sprungs would be the aluminum plate. I personally wouldn't dump it in a vat of RIT.

I don't know if I've ever said this, but don't add any salt to the dye water cause hot salt water screws with the surface of almost every material known. I've never tried dying an ice holder but I have a special order for some bright orange frames so I'll dye some.

As for the Zytel in the Sniper, there are no surface areas without immediate support gridding, and because it is so short, NS, there are no long hollows as in ice holders. Very little leverage outside of the suspension capture cavity which is way strong. The body will be stronger than an ice holder because of the compacted dimensions and the anti-torque plate. A dose of hot dye water would not harm the plate at all. I've dyed frames that were assembled with their axles just to see what happened. Aluminum cookware.

The Voodootech frames will continue even when the Sniper is out there, and there will be a nylon rocker arm option for all chassis, most likely. Keep the baby toss the bathwater.

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Hello all,

I've got a quick question that i hope one of you can answer (it might have been answered previously, but i searched and couldn't find an answer). I've been contemplating getting sprungs for a while now, and finally decided to do it. I've got a pair of Eastons (sz 10), and noticed that the size ranges for the A7 and A8 both include that size... Any suggestions on which i should go with? I usually skate on sz 11 Tours with a hummer chassis (all 80mm), so I am used to that. Also, I've played ice hockey for a few years too (if that changes the advice at all). I am worried if i go with the A8 it will feel too bulky, and the A7's might be feel too small. Thanks everyone!


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Old school taNks ... meet new age Sprungs. I will get to skate on these for the first time this weekend. It's really nice to live only a few minutes away from Keith and have him do a perfect install on these sweet frames. Thanks for everything, Keith! It was a pleasure meeting you and I appreciate the wonderful customer service!



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