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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprung Hockey

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I just wanted to share my experience.

I had two rockers break in consecutive games shortly after my warranty expired. I had 2 replacements sent during the warranty period.

The blue wheel is in a broken rocker, but it was hard to skate when the front rocker broke. I took the chassis off and did and ice-to-inline-back-to-ice conversion due to the all the broken rockers. I don't recommend these if you play in cold weather. I play in a roofed rink but it isn't heated.


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I've already seen these, and I don't really know how they would break that way without being very very dry and cold and brittle. Somebody out there may have experienced this kind of break, but I've never seen one before, and I've never been able to break a rocker arm off like that when trying with a sledge hammer. It looks like they are A7s which are worth selling if they didn't get wrecked during removal.

As for using Sprungs outside in the cold, it happens all the time, and Sprungs are subjected to sub-freezing (and sub-zero) temps getting to and from rinks. The material dries up like stuff in your freezer, and the water needs to be put back in to keep the nylon parts resilient. This has been a common thread from the start. Don't let em dry up, whether you're in the desert or the cold.

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This is a real size 80/84 rendition of the future. An abbreviated ice holder with mag alloy rocker arms. If these were sitting in your LHS would you be able to leave the building without trying some? Or leaving without them?

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i think most of us were just worried about the availabilty of 84mm wheels - im already fairly picky about wheel brands i use and dont know if some of my favorites are currently available in 84mm or will be in the future

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i think most of us were just worried about the availabilty of 84mm wheels - im already fairly picky about wheel brands i use and dont know if some of my favorites are currently available in 84mm or will be in the future

There will be wheels. This is a natural step in the business and I did my homework a long time ago. There is a vacuum, now, and it'll fill up. Some players will prefer 76/80s even then. Not a problem.

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This is a real size 80/84 rendition of the future. An abbreviated ice holder with mag alloy rocker arms. If these were sitting in your LHS would you be able to leave the building without trying some? Or leaving without them?

I love the idea of the mag alloy rocker arms - anything that would help avoid rocker knuckles breaking would be great. I love the performance of the A6 chassis when it's fully operational, but having knuckles break a couple times a season during games isn't fun (yes, I do now soak them every few weeks, but still have issues with the knuckles. And, yes, it's like 5 minutes to change the rockers, but that's still game time missed). I'm happy with the all 76mm performance, but if hi lo or bigger wheels will add to that then I'd certainly be open to trying the newer chassis. At this point I'd just love some more reliable knuckles.

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I love the idea of the mag alloy rocker arms - anything that would help avoid rocker knuckles breaking would be great. I love the performance of the A6 chassis when it's fully operational, but having knuckles break a couple times a season during games isn't fun (yes, I do now soak them every few weeks, but still have issues with the knuckles. And, yes, it's like 5 minutes to change the rockers, but that's still game time missed). I'm happy with the all 76mm performance, but if hi lo or bigger wheels will add to that then I'd certainly be open to trying the newer chassis. At this point I'd just love some more reliable knuckles.

The A6X and it's bigger knuckles is the first order of business after Patent season goes away for a while. More A7 bodies same time. More hardware same time.

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The A6X and it's bigger knuckles is the first order of business after Patent season goes away for a while. More A7 bodies same time. More hardware same time.

totally agree with althoma1, love the chassis but the arms breaking in the middle of a game is a pain... i don't know how you can do it in 5 mins though as it takes me like 10-15 mins just to take the boot off (can't reach with it on), change the wheel over and put the new arm in. That's a whole period for me :( I also don't soak anything as it's just a hassle for me so i might just be asking for it ;)

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would the mag alloy rocker arms be able to fit any of the previous A6-A7-A8 frames?

The ones that are made for the A series will. This is the next thing after the A6X and A7 bodies. Before the Sniper, so they will be worked out already or at the same time as the arms for the sniper. The arms will not be interchangeable between the two products.

If you look at the A7 and the Sniper together, you can see how high up the Sniper pivot is and the more angle of the arms and less space between the front and rear wheels. Everything is different about the configuration specs.



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any idea how much the mag alloy rockers would be for the A series? or to early to tell.

If I make them in China, about $16 each. HAHA yep, about the same cost to make as the nylon ones. A set (or most of it) should last through a few sets of holders. The aluminum rocker arms (flat .125" walls) on Fiziks aggro skates generally lasted forever...or till you were too old/maimed to do such stupid things to your body anymore. Three story drops.

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I was watching the AIHL pro games in Corona yesterday, and now there are a pair of Sprungs on both of the Jr Ducks teams. One pair white (Speedy's), one pair, my ex Bauers with the red frames. What I noticed again, is that there is only one frame that you can recognize on a rink when they are out there. Sprungs stick out stick out stick out. The Bauers were a cold call, after the guy's first game. He put them on, skated around, and wore them in the rest of his games and scoredscoredscored. He's obviously very good without them, but he likes them and I don't have boots again. And back to the visibility thing. Watching the red skate games, was sort of like seeing one player on skates and everyone else on indistinguishable with wheels. If their wheels weren't bright, they were skating on brown blurs.


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Hey Keith, about how long should the A6 frames last? Ive had my frames for about 3 maybe 4 years now. I have noticed where the rockers fit into the frame slot there is a little wear that makes the rockers move a bit up and down,they are tight side to side.should that be a problem with stress on the pivit arms? or the rocker arms. have you seen this with any of the frames in the past.

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Hey Keith, about how long should the A6 frames last? Ive had my frames for about 3 maybe 4 years now. I have noticed where the rockers fit into the frame slot there is a little wear that makes the rockers move a bit up and down,they are tight side to side.should that be a problem with stress on the pivit arms? or the rocker arms. have you seen this with any of the frames in the past.

Hey yourself Rob. Yes, the stops that contain the action gradually get degraded by the dirt in the urethane dust that fills up everything and packs into all the small spaces. The material also stretches a little over time, like a boot. I'm sure you've done the paper wrap on the springs before. They do get old eventually. I've worn out a pair using them at an outdoor rink that was silt city, and the beach. I didn't clean them much or anything, to see what happens. The wear-down factor is already addressed in the Sniper concepts.

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So what's the best way to soak these? Does the frame itself need to be soaked or just the rockers?

Take the wheels off and wrap a damp towel around the frames and arms, and let them hang that way for a day, and repeat the process if the temp persists. If they are someplace where the towel freezes to them they should probably be moved to a warmer spot to moisturize. If you look at any damp spot in the way cold, you will see water vapor coming up. If there isn't any water in the air, whether it's from heat or cold, the water in the material will start evaporating out through the surface. If they are really dry, it takes longer to get soaked back up. Very dense but porous.

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Thanks Keith.

Skated for the first time in them on Monday. They're a bit different than what i'm used to so It was a little weird at first. I think a little more time with them and i'll be good to go.

Maybe it was just me but two things popped out almost instantly. The first being the energy transfer was spectacular, i really was not expecting them to be as rigid side to side as they are. Even with the suspension it felt as if i was able to put more power to the ground. Mega props there. :) The second thing was it felt as if my stride was lengthened and it was very easy to pick up speed as well as start from a dead stop.

The wheelbase seems a bit long but with a little bit of time I think it will become a non-issue.

The guys were asking a lot of questions about it also. One of the guys i play with is looking to buy new skates and im pretty sure i've talked him into giving these a go. He's on this site and has read this thread so im hoping to be mounting them on his old ice skates soon :)

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Most beautyfull 1999 VSIs size 6B (4,5 Canadian) with A6s. These don't fit Itan, but they're his, anyway.


A lot of small boots get mounted on A6s. I drilled new rear holes on one side of each frame so I could get the hole inside the foot bed and not up inside the skate wall somewhere. This is not a problem. If you need a hole moved and you can still get to it with the riveter, go for it. The raised wall of the rear mount will still grab and keep everything level. I've added the rear hole on a lot of A7s that got mounted on boots that were almost too small. A lot of small A7s look like the same proportion as the VIs.

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Most of roller hockey thinks that a roller hockey chassis has to be all metal. I've always seen Sprungs as an ice/roller product and wanted it white, like a holder, from the beginning. Now I have concepts that are the best of both worlds: 1)The Sniper, which is an ice holder with mag alloy rocker arms. And 2) The Caffeine, which is all mag alloy. The rocker arms are interchangeable between the two chassis. They can be manufactured in a flat configuration up to 80mm or dual-diameter, which can be 76/80 or 80/84.


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Most of roller hockey thinks that a roller hockey chassis has to be all metal. I've always seen Sprungs as an ice/roller product and wanted it white, like a holder, from the beginning. Now I have concepts that are the best of both worlds: 1)The Sniper, which is an ice holder with mag alloy rocker arms. And 2) The Caffeine, which is all mag alloy. The rocker arms are interchangeable between the two chassis. They can be manufactured in a flat configuration up to 80mm or dual-diameter, which can be 76/80 or 80/84.


How differant would the frame hole pattern be, My skate boots have some of holes from past frames.

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