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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Playing older guys

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Alrite so basically i've been noticing a trend as of late. I play in a summer league here in Ottawa which is pretty high calibre hockey you have to have playe dat least AAA the year before to be eligble. Anyways its mostly Junior A, OHL, NCAA guys that come back home for summer. Now im the youngest age you can be to play which is 17. My whole team is actually 17 with the exception of one guy. And this is where the fun starts. It seems that older guys (by older I mean 19-25) absolutely flip if you take the puck from then or give them a hard time along the boards etc. Its exclusively the older guys that have a problem, and its something ive noticed for awhile now. Like its not liek we're cocky kids, ya I chirp but not in a cocky way and only when they iniate something. So it doesnt make sense for them to be so insanely angry all the time. Im just wondering if you older guys or anyonr else can relate to this and perhaps shed some light on the situation. Because honestly it looks like they just get pissed off that a 17 year old is showing them up but I cant say for sure. Anyways this is basically just a rant because there has been a lot of BS lately in the league resulting in brawls etc. (which once again the 17 year olds won lol)


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i dunno. i mean, it's a pride thing. i'm 24 & play with high school elite league kids who are probably better in some aspects than i am. not faster, or a better shot, but just better on the puck. the counter balance to that is they're usually not defensive minded well...at all.

i have respect for anyone who plays clean, it doesn't matter how old you are.

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I don't play near as high a level of hockey as you do but I've seen it even at drop in.

I look extrememly young and sort of am I guess. Anyhow there was this big guy who acted like he owned the rink and a few times I lifted his stick to strip the puck and he got maaaaad. Boy did he ever get mad.

He was at least twice my size and he kept threatening to "kill" me or "f" me up. I thought I did nothing wrong, but was I wrong in any way?

All in all, I think people don't like being shown up by those who seem younger or less experienced or what have you.

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it seems like most people get in a differnt mind frame during drop in. They expect to just be able to skate around and not have anyone come near them or touch them. for example lifting there stick. They seem to loose sight of the fact that even thou it's drop-in it's still hockey.

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of course i dont think it's an age thing either, it's an ego thing. I can't see how someones age would have anything to do with them getting mad at someone being a good hockey player. Unless someone is being a prick than no matter what age you are it' s understandable to get mad.

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I guess you have to look at their style of play also. Are they giving your team a hard time on the boards also? Are they playing as aggressively? If they aren't, that could explain why they get so angry when you play them so rough. I know if I'm just out to play in my summer ice, I'm not expecting to get knocked around and I get pissed if someone comes balls out at me and is playing like its game 7. But if they are playing you in the same style you are playing them, then they have no reason to be getting all sassy with you.

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exatly. during drop in i go no more than half speed( mostly because i play drop in with older guys) but i dont mind if someone lifts my stick or rubs me into the boards. but when guys come full speed and try to hit me or they yank my feet out from underneath me or any other stupid stuff like that is the only time that i'll get upset and start playing with any type of aggresion at all.

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Yeah, I agree about the drop in/agression level. I never make contact, I only play the stick or puck and I never trip/hook/or slash.

Though I did catch an elbow to the face when I pinned someone against the boards during an INTRAMURAL try out/scrimmage (for the intramural "gm's").

I thought that was uncalled for, but I chalk it up to people's playing styles or ego. Thank God for the full cage.

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Yeah, I know what you're talking about...

Spending so much time at the rink, and on campus with a few of my older buddies, I have gotten to know a few of the boys from the D-I team at NU (Niagara University, for those of you not from WNY). Every-so-often, if they have some free ice-time available, but not enough guys to get a decent scrimmage going, they'll give me and a couple of other AAA and area Junior guys a call to get a game together. By the end of the school year, we had all gotten pretty comfortable with eachother and everything was cool, but at the beginning of the year there was definitely some tension between the AAA guys and the Junior/College players - no real incidents, but there were a couple rivalries that took awhile to cool off.

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Only time I get pissed at young kids is when they show up to pickup and spend the ENTIRE time puck hogging and showing off moves.

Or in a lower level Beer league game where they play on the dad's team and all they do is pass it to the kid for him to score and no one else on the team tries to skate with the puck. If the kid owns me fair and square, I woun't care.

Guys who get pissed when getting stick checked or getting the puck stolen (by anyone) needs to get a sex change and play woman's lacross or some other spore where there is no stick checking. Lifting the stick is taught to 5 year olds.

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I like when people get a little bit agressive because then I know I can do it back. It helps keep me in game shape when my friends and I get rough at shinny. Only one time has anyone wanted to fight when I got agressive with them. He played house league and was cocky with all his friends there, I was showing him up a bit and his friends were yelling stuff like "oh you gonna take that from him" when I dangled him, so I go in to the corner and he tries to hit me. It was clear that he didn't play contact and he didn't do any damage, but he hit me from behind. So I turned to him and asked him if he wanted to play contact, he says yes, so long story short I mashed him and he left with a bleeding lip. Shoulder to chin of course. :)

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I guess Im sorta lucky then. Around here its team for team. If you mess with one guy on a team then your messin with the whole team. Theres really only been 2 fights at my rink and they were both guys stickin up for their teammates.

Thats why when any of us ever go to pick up, or rat or anything of the sort theres about a group of 3-4 of us :D

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One team I used to play on always started brawls. There was a kid on our team that was about 18 at the time, and he was one of the hardest workers I've ever played with at any level. He did have one dirty move though when he'd back check, left the players stick and give their legs a nudge from behind with his. He hid it well so the ref never called him. Anyways, lots of guys didn't like this and started fights with him. The kids older brother would play on a line with him so he'd of course stick up for his bro, then another of them would jump in, and the older bros best friend was the third guy on the line lol we'd have 3-3 or more brawls every other game.

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I've noticed playing in men's league's here there is always 2 or 3 guys on a team that are nuts. I hate to say it but it's always older guys, (mid 30's and up) I am 20 now and 2 years ago I was playing in a rec ice hockey league, I was an above average player and had a hat trick in a game our team was winning by about 4 goals, there was a guy on the other team who was lining up against me all game and was ruthless with his stick he would slash my stick every which way and was hooking me up and down the ice, away from the puck aswell.

The next shift I decided to give the guy a taste of his own medicine, i did the same thing, only he decided to flip out! he two handed my stick out of my hands dropped his gloves and began throwing punches, I stood up afetr the refs broke it up looked over at the guy and I asked him if he was gonna go home and brag to his wife about how he beat up a 18 year old kid, he flipped again and this time pushed the ref outta the way and tried to come at me.

These kind of events happen all the time where in my local leagues, whether it be inline or ice hockey it seems to me tha the older guys get pissed off that the younger guys are outplaying them and the only way they feel they can get even is by hurting them, this was just one of many incidents here, for that reason I say that older guys need to show they are older by being more mature on the ice.

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One time my team played a varsity high school team and I'm a second year bantam now but at the time I was only a first year and some of the kids on the high school team were up to 3 years older than kids on my team. We beat them 14-1.

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How is that relevant? Were they dirty? Did they get pissed at retaliate over the fact that you bent them over via the scoreboard?

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How is that relevant? Were they dirty? Did they get pissed at retaliate over the fact that you bent them over via the scoreboard?

They did start to get a little dirty after we got up by about 10 goals. I dont think they really cared that much after awhile because tehy wer ejust screwing around and not really trying that hard at all.

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So in essence what you said had nothing to do with the topic of older guys being jealous or competetive towards younger guys because of their age? Thanks for that beautiful story, but please lets not start with more roostingx, and keep on topic.

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I'm in the 'older' group of guys. I've found that players of any age get a bit pissy when they get out-played by someone they think they should be beating.

Sure, with the older guys it might be a bit of pride, or the old body not being able to do what it once could. They might be annoyed that they were never as good as the young guys they are playing against. Some take it out on the players, others just smile and nod, knowing they got beat by better players. (Watch some of the old NHL from the 50s or 60s - what current AHL players would be superstars against those guys?)

Young guys can be just and chippy if they are getting beat by the old guys. I've been on enough teams to know it's not only the old guys who lose their cool.

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