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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How Many Members In Family Play

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all by myself. everyone else thinks im crazy.

my brother tried it twice, gave up and gave me all his equipment. but i agree my family thinks im crazy as well.....

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all by myself.  everyone else thinks im crazy.

my brother tried it twice, gave up and gave me all his equipment. but i agree my family thinks im crazy as well.....

Yeah, my younger brother used to play too, but pretty much only because I and all of our friends used to. I'm the only one left out of the whole group that still plays.

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Just me. I always try to get my brother to start but its just not very appealing to him...i dont see how its not appealing to him but it just isnt...

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Just me.. I'm an only child.

My dad played as a kid...but never scored a goal :huh: I hope he only played a few seasons! ;)

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me and my cousin who played in the NHL 3 season as a third line man­.

Unfortunaly, I don't have his talent, and we are not that close cousin, So he couldn't not teach me.

Now before every one call it BullShit, his name is Michel Mongeau(does this sound french to you? am I french?) and why the heck would i ''create'' a fake story with Mongeau , proof is that maybe only 2-3 person on the board will remember me under the St-louis jersey...

it's not like i'm saying lecavalier or brodeur is my cousin lol... i'm talking about a third line guys who played only 3-4 season...but he still made it loll!

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Just me and with the exception of my good friend down the street I'm the only person who plays in my school or my entire city.

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Just me and with the exception of my good friend down the street I'm the only person who plays in my school or my entire city.

Where do you live Texas?

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Just me and my wife.

Slowly, we are getting my wife's brothers to try it out.. they are really catching on to it. I have a 4 year old niece that we take skating with us too.. it would be fun to get her in a youth league when she gets a few years older. I already taught her how to hipcheck and now she thinks that her purpose of existance on the ice is try and check me into the boards like she sees me do in my games :lol:

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me and my cousin who played in the NHL 3 season as a third line man­.

Unfortunaly, I don't have his talent, and we are not that close cousin, So he couldn't not teach me.

Now before every one call it BullShit, his name is Michel Mongeau(does this sound french to you? am I french?) and why the heck would i ''create'' a fake story with Mongeau , proof is that maybe only 2-3 person on the board will remember me under the St-louis jersey...

it's not like i'm saying lecavalier or brodeur is my cousin lol... i'm talking about a third line guys who played only 3-4 season...but he still made it loll!

6 points in 7 games in his first season thats pretty impressive, any idea why he didn't stick with the AHL and maybe get played in the show again insted of going to the I?

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