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Gas Prices

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Most of the members write what their measurement was. Otherwise, when you see around 3$, it's gallon they are talking about. If it's around 1$, it's in litre.

$3 a Gallon! :o

Round me its 7.221 US

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$3.23-$3.29/ gallon US in queens and brooklyn. I fill up in the dirty jerz whenever I can for around $2.95/gal, but it doesn't always last a full week in my car.

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It's $2.99 per gal. in Pittsburgh PA. But what i don't get why do prices automattically go up when a oil line is shut down when the gas we are using right now was pumped last week. Just something I thought about.

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It's $2.99 per gal. in Pittsburgh PA. But what i don't get why do prices automattically go up when a oil line is shut down when the gas we are using right now was pumped last week. Just something I thought about.

Because people will assume less is coming so that makes its value go up?

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It's $2.99 per gal. in Pittsburgh PA. But what i don't get why do prices automattically go up when a oil line is shut down when the gas we are using right now was pumped last week. Just something I thought about.

Because they can do it and we still pay. We're one or two more crises away from someone suggesting the gas/oil industry in the US being heavily regulated.

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1.25 cnd a L outside montreal


5.05 cnd a gallon

Yikes!!! I thought Ontario taxes were bad... unless that's $1.25/litre for premium??

I filled up today at 1.08/litre unleaded - dwntwn Toronto - but it has bounced as high as 1.12 in the last couple of days.

...wasn't too long ago we were all shocked when the price went over $1/litre, and now it feels "normal". Glad I can walk to work!

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$1.20 in NB, but we jump the border and go to Maine and get it at about $0.90. Save about $30 filling up the truck by goin' over across.

Calais or Milltown?? Or are you further north??

I'm further north, Grand Falls, near Edmundston. I don't even know the town that we go to, Hamlin, you can tell their regulations there arent' the same as ours, cause their gas stations a dump.

Ahh, OK above Caribou. Kinda across the border from the old Air Force base.

I drive by the old air force base to get to the gast station. Theirs a bunch of houses all boarded up from when the millitary used to live there. Kinda neat, yet the towns a dump.

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It's $2.99 per gal. in Pittsburgh PA. But what i don't get why do prices automattically go up when a oil line is shut down when the gas we are using right now was pumped last week. Just something I thought about.

Oddly enough, prices have been creeping down here in NY. It doesn't make any sense to me, but I'm not complaining.

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It was .99 near the airport in Toronto on Friday.

Well I'm several thousand kilometres away from Toronto. You know we do have more large centres other than Toronto.

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It was .99 near the airport in Toronto on Friday.

Well I'm several thousand kilometres away from Toronto. You know we do have more large centres other than Toronto.

Other than whining about your inferiority complex, do you have a point? Please note that I never said anything about you being close to Toronto. If I was directing my comments to you I would have questioned how $124.9/L equals $4.996/G

$124.9/L in Canadian dollars. Equals to $4.996/Gallon in CDN dollars.

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I've seen it as low as .94/L here over the last few days. Someone said it was becasue of the Terror/Airline threats. Less people flying means less demand for Fuel....not sure how demand for jet fuel affects what we pay for regular gas...I doubt 747's use 87 octane fuel?????


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