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Dashboard Confessional

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I just got back from their concert tonight with Ben Lee, and Say Anything. It was amazing. I know a lot of people think they're emo and whatnot, but they're actually really good. And put on a hell of a live performance.

Also, I don't think I've ever seen so many gorgeous woman in one place at one time. :D :P . I lost my voice it was so loud.

Do any of you like them? Or have seen any of the tour dates this year?

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Ben Lee wasn't bad...but no one really paid him any attention except the fat chicks in the section over from me. Say Anything put a good performance on, for an opening band.

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Im suprised so many people like Of A Revolution (O.A.R). I know its all PP but i hate them but alot of people seem to enjoy them.

Never said i like(d) them. I was just saying that the amount of good looking women at the shows is insane. Not to mention, the tailgating there is better than anything.....except the Belmont Stakes.

Im going tonight, actually. Could careless about the music, as i'll be too intoxicated to even know whats going on.

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i kinda like dashboard. don't like to admit it though. he's a great songwriter, that's for sure. i like the barebones stuff off swiss army best though.

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Im suprised so many people like Of A Revolution (O.A.R). I know its all PP but i hate them but alot of people seem to enjoy them.

Never said i like(d) them. I was just saying that the amount of good looking women at the shows is insane. Not to mention, the tailgating there is better than anything.....except the Belmont Stakes.

Im going tonight, actually. Could careless about the music, as i'll be too intoxicated to even know whats going on.

T i was there tonight also........ridiculous amount of broads.

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Yeah their old stuff kills the new stuff.

ill third that idea. dig the early stuff. it's really a shame when the mainstream big wigs make a group go trendy, so they can sell to the masses, rather then focusing on the fans that made them who they really are.

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Remember To Breathe (my new favorite Dashboard song)

Saints and Sailors

Screaming Infidelities

Again I Go Unnoticed

Living In Your Letters

So Long Sweet Summer

Rapid Hope Loss

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Remember To Breathe (my new favorite Dashboard song)

Saints and Sailors

Screaming Infidelities

Again I Go Unnoticed

Living In Your Letters

So Long Sweet Summer

Rapid Hope Loss

Early Dashboard is amazing. I've seen them many times live, and the best were in small clubs when it was Chris and an acoustic guitar and the fans' voices for the whole show. I'm not sure I like the whole arena rock sound they have now. BTW, If you like Remember to Breathe go buy the So Impossible EP and it'll give you a great idea of how great a songwriter Chris Carrabba can be. Also, Say Anything is a fucking amazing band! If you don't own ....is a Real Boy, go now and buy that cd.

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Remember To Breathe (my new favorite Dashboard song)

Saints and Sailors

Screaming Infidelities

Again I Go Unnoticed

Living In Your Letters

So Long Sweet Summer

Rapid Hope Loss

Early Dashboard is amazing. I've seen them many times live, and the best were in small clubs when it was Chris and an acoustic guitar and the fans' voices for the whole show. I'm not sure I like the whole arena rock sound they have now. BTW, If you like Remember to Breathe go buy the So Impossible EP and it'll give you a great idea of how great a songwriter Chris Carrabba can be. Also, Say Anything is a fucking amazing band! If you don't own ....is a Real Boy, go now and buy that cd.

Exactly. Places had the feel of his earlier albums but everything post Places has lost the raw essence that Chris and his guitar have.

Say Anything is fucking amazing though.

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