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shockdoctor hockey bag

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Works fine for me. Everything except gloves are dry after one 3 hour cycle of heat+ozone. One cycle + overnight and everything is dry. If I have 2 games in one day, it'll take at least 1.5 3 hour cycles to get everything dry.

I also use it for other things one tends not to wash like shoes, snowboard boots, gloves, etc... I don't use the heat option for those and once in a while I forget to turn it back on when the hockey gear goes in, but that's my own damn fault.

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I didn't see it mentioned in this thread, but does the bag's heated fan really do a much better job than my $10 hockey tree?

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Yes, it's air+ozone and will do more than just simple hanging, which isn't a bad method on its own. It's better than leaving stuff laying around and/or in a bag.

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Warrior are comming out with one too this year and it will cost less and will come straight with the little blower.Just a head up :P

Any more info on this, or news on whether or not SD is coming out with an updated version of the bag for '08? I'm leaning towards the power dry setup to maximize space and minimize stink in my apartment, but I'm curious if there's anything new coming out in the next few months that would be worth waiting for.

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Earlier in this thread, someone said something about 06 bags being mislabeled as 07's, with the inference being the 07's had actual improvements. Does anyone know whether this version is the 07? For those of you who have used this version, are you happy with it? Or are there enough substantial improvements in the 08's that it would be better to buy an 08? The price on the 07 clearance seems to be pretty darn good for a bag of that size.

One thing I have picked up while reading this thread is people have been disappointed with the drying speed, so my thought is to buy the bag and wait for the higher output blower to drop in price. In the interim, I can just use Funk Free and pull my equipment out of the bag, as I currently do anyway.

Thoughts from those who have used it?

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I like mine, but I wish the fan was more powerful and the timer would run longer. My gear doesn't quite get dry with one cycle. I'd buy the more powerful fan, but the price is too high for me.

I'm looking into ways to modify the fan to have a higher speed. Ideally, it would run at high speed with the heat for 2-3 hours and then at a lower speed with the ozone for 2 more hours.

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i usually run the blower 2 or 3 full cycles and it's good. Some times my pants aren't fully dry though since they don't sit open in the bag. I also changed around the order.

Blower side - Skates closest to the blower, then pants, with one shin guard shoved in to try and keep the leg open.

Non-Blower side: Shoulders, 1 elbow inside the Shoulders,other shin then the helmet next to the out filter. Then i scatter the gloves, other elbow, shin knee pads (rbk) wherever they'll fit.

I don't think the ozone is powerful enough to destroy the stink, i think it just slows it down. It's not perfect but it helps if you don't have an open space to hang everything in your place.

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Hi guys, my first post so be gentle despite my thread necro ;)

Are the first bags that they came out with one big compartment? I'm looking at the clearance bags on hockeygiant and wondering if they're worth getting.

If they're different, has anyone tried the new compartmentalized version?

Any further thoughts from people who've been using theirs?

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the one i have i got last Dec.

The bag is split internally down the middle with a mesh screen, then there are two plastic dividers you can move. I think the original was the same, maybe with out the plastic dividers. Any photos I have seen online of the new one it looks like the same set up as mine except now it looks like one big flap opening instead of two small ones.

I haven't played since the end of the summer, but as i said before, it helps dry things out but it really isn't dramatically faster. if your gear stinks already it won't fix it, but it might keep it from getting worse.

I would say don't get the largest bag, it's freaking huge and if you can get the high output blower that may work better than the normal one.

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The old bag is split in 2 down the middle the long way. The air is blown into one side and can circulate all the way around because the vent to let the air out is on the other side of the bag. In theory the air will go all the way up one side and then all the way down the other.

The new bag has a perforated tube down the center and disperses air that way rather than trying to keep it following this long path.

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the one i have i got last Dec.

The bag is split internally down the middle with a mesh screen, then there are two plastic dividers you can move. I think the original was the same, maybe with out the plastic dividers. Any photos I have seen online of the new one it looks like the same set up as mine except now it looks like one big flap opening instead of two small ones.

I haven't played since the end of the summer, but as i said before, it helps dry things out but it really isn't dramatically faster. if your gear stinks already it won't fix it, but it might keep it from getting worse.

I would say don't get the largest bag, it's freaking huge and if you can get the high output blower that may work better than the normal one.

I've only been playing hockey for about 5 days now, so my gear is yet to get stinky :)

I can already tell the CCM bag I got off of hockeymonkey isn't really going to cut it, so maybe I'll pick one of these bags up. I'll be living in an apartment with the GF and kiddo soon enough, so I'd rather not have to have gear all over the place everytime I practice. I don't mind having to run the blower a few times.

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I'm in the same situation, I also got a bag. The first couple times I used it, it dried the skates and elbows but the rest of it was damp. I rearranged the gear so the stuff that takes the longest to dry (shins, shoulders, pants) are closest to the blower. I'll see how it goes as I'm on cycle #2.

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I got mine for living with the girlfriend too. Before i just air dried it and it was fine. I rearranged mine from the recommended set up too. Mine doesn't have the center tube that that new ones apparently have, keep that in mind.

My skates are first next to the blower, divider, pants (opening facing the blower), 1 elbow inside the pants to hold them open.

Other side: shins laid end to end on the bottom padding facing up or towards the center divider, shoulders, helmet (cage facing up or to center) then i filled in remaining space with gloves and the other elbow pad. (sometiems threw the jock in to dry before washing)

Hung up jersey, socks, undershirts elsewhere to dry.

Also, the bag is a pain to carry to a locker room. I carry an easton bag and leave the SD at home collapsed under a bed.

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I noticed a lot of people complaining about the size throughout this thread, but looking at the dimensions it looks to be a standard 40x18 bag. Am I missing something or do most people around here use 32" bags?

I would probably get the 38" Ultra off of hockey monkey; I believe those are the newer ones with the center tube.

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with me it's the solid bottom that makes it a pain. You can't scrunch it up to get it out of the way it was a pain to get out of the back seat in parking lot with other cars. Just little things like that bugged me.

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with me it's the solid bottom that makes it a pain. You can't scrunch it up to get it out of the way it was a pain to get out of the back seat in parking lot with other cars. Just little things like that bugged me.

Yeah I gotcha; makes sense.

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Going to hi-jack an old thread so as not to start a new one;

Anyone know the difference in the Shock Doctor bags? Seems they have a few variations and would just presume get the most up-to-date version under the presumption it works the best.

I see variations:

* Power Dry

* Power Dry Core

* Power Dry Ultra

Anyone know what the latest/greatest is? Shock Doctor's site wasn't of much help as it didn't seem to call the hockey bag variant out specifically.

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I have the ShockDoctor Power Dry Core Gear Bag in a size large. I only use the SD system for my gear after ice sessions and during any road trips (ex. tournaments). From what I know the Core Gear Bag is the most widely known one. There is a higher-end bag that is almost double the price and has compartments and *might* be leather or leather-like material... don't quote me on that one.

I purely use it only at home, as i use my reg. hockey bag to travel between games, as I dont want my SD bag to tear or break in any way. Not to mention, it is large and might be a pain in the @$$ to carry everywhere.

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I'm at work, but my son has an older one and I have a newer one. Not sure what the models are. Off the top of my head the major differences are:

His is a small size mine is a large. His is a more solid divider lengthwise down the middle with the mesh divided into 3 squares, mine is a much bigger mesh section. My end pocket has one big zipper and his has 2 smaller ones that meet and are separated by material at the top, both have one big pocket. My rigid fiberglass stick thing that runs the length of the bag is much bigger and wore through the bag on the end without the rubber protector on it and scratched up the dash of my jeep. His is much thinner and is eating through the bag where it snapped in 2. My shoulder strap ripped off (and the metal end slapped me in the face) where it would rub on the asphalt when I stood it on end while opening the jeep door, when they're on. His shoulder strap broke off from the hook bending and the fastener weakening.

The biggest difference and the one that makes him crazy and begging for a new bag are the grab/drag handles. They are sewn on cloth. His has only 1 in the middle of the end of the bag, while mine has an additional one that is at ground level when the bag is laying down. He is 9 and over 4 and a 1/2 feet tall. Dragging his bag on the wheels by the centered middle handle causes the bag to hang much lower and bang off the back of his legs. It is painful to watch him as he tries different positions, grips and whatever he can do to make it somewhat comfortable to wheel. Even for me I notice a difference dragging his bag (when we're in a hurry and it is slowing him down to the point of being painful to watch).

The quality of the materials and workmanship is nice, they have their good points and their flaws. The fan drying is so so at best and our fan broke 6 or 7 months after we got it.

I really wouldn't recommend a bag with 1 sewn on handle in the middle on the end for a shorter person. I'll probably wind up replacing his with something with an extend-able handle in the near future.

The rigid bottom of the bag makes carrying it by the shoulder strap somewhat awkward and uncomfortable.

If you get a large one you'll need a large trunk area to make it fit. Due to the rigid construction (probably to help with the fan drying) they don't mold into tight spaces easily.

They look good, are pretty functional and I'll probably keep using mine. He is pretty much done with his.

Looked at Hockeymonkey and ours are both Ultras. Mines a large and his is a medium. I would say one was an early production run and the other one has some design changes.

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In case anyone is following along at home in regards to what the most recent "release" is (i.e., Power Dry, Power Dry Core, or Power Dry Ultra) here's the response I got from ShockDoc:

The current model and only model available is the Core Hockey Bag the blowers are either the basic blower or high output those both work for this bag. Unfortunately we are out of stock on all bags for hockey until mid July or later. Some stores may carry the bags but we do not have a list of which have exactly what items. Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Thus, it appears the Core is the most recent. There's also an implication that they have a hockey specific model as their online website does seem to indicate the non-sport specific model is available via their website.

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I'm in an apartment with no balcony and no where to plant a gear tree. So I after much humming and hawwing I forked out for the Shock Doctor Power Dry bag here: http://www.hockeymonkey.com/shockdoctor-912-power-dry-hockey-equipment-bag-32in.html

Pretty pricey. I also bought the standard blower. Also pricey. The high output blower is out just about every where I looked at the time. I've since found a few places that have 1-2 in stock. Mostly dirt biking websites. Had I looked harder I would have gone with the high output since most places also carry them for the same price I paid for the standard. :facepalm::mad:

The medium sized bag works well for me. I got sick of trying to lug my Easton S17 wheeled bag up 3 flights of narrow stairways so most of the time I kept my stuff in the car and would only take in the jerseys, socks, under garments. Suffice it to say my gear started to reak as did my car.

Now the riveting part where I talk about the effectiveness of the bag/blower. My first few attempts seemed pretty futile. I packed the bag according to the diagram and also tried some variations as mentioned in this thread. It would typically take 2.5 cycles to get everything dry. Now I remove the helmet and skates since those air dry rather quickly. On the blower side it's gloves, elbows, and shoulders strattling. On the other side it's pants with shins in the legs. Everything is 85% dry on one cycle. 100% on 1.5 cycles. I was going to fork out for the high output blower and also the octopus attachment and use the highoutput on the bag and the octopus on skates and undergarments. But I'll just save my money since the standard blower is doing ok for now.

(Most of the time I just rinse the undergarments out with a little bit of shampoo and air dry instead of sending through the washer. They've lasted years doing this.)

Since my gear was already somewhat ripe they still retain some of that glorious scent of victory. But it's not really noticable unless you put your nose up to them. Occasionally I'll spray in some febreeze before drying so everythign smells like that nice stank/febreeze blend. I mainly do that because the blower pushes the scent all over the damn place. I typically put the bag in the bathroom with the door closed, fan on, and window open to at least contain the colognous scent to one room.

summary: expensive. works decent. your mileage may obviously vary.

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