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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Helmet

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now for an entire page of questions about what that is on his skates...

Please don't instigate it by bringing to light such trivial things for young, naive, and inquiring minds.


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Heatleys rocking the new stealth helmet tonight at the ACC against the leafs :D. I just awed a zoomed in version of heatley and the top vents looks like foam with many poked holes.

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Those guys are notorious for being stingy as.... Something that is quite the stinge.

very true...remember when they were about to come out with the synergy skate. not a word from anyone other then "it's gonna be light"

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Forgot to mention. Saw it the other day, my Easton rep had it on at a game. First thing I thought was that it looked like a vector (to which I wondered why he had that on) then I got un-stupid for a second and realized it was the Stealth helmet. Looked good, but also looked big, with the whole mushroom effect and all. In case you guys were wondering.


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Heatley had the new Easton helmet on last night in the Senator/Leaf game. I personally like it and I think I'm going to get one when they come out. I like the way it looks. At first I thought it was the new CCM helmet until they got a close up of him.

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Their cage is actually pretty ugly...reminds me of an old entry level cage, can't recall of the top which one (I have not seen it in person however)

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