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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Some Lady Help..., Anyone please?.... Posted: Aug 22 2006, 11:56 PM....

Alright, today I went to my new Middle School for the orientation for new kids. I saw this beautiful girl and was thinking about her allllll day. How can I find out if she likes me? Also, should I tell her I like her. or should I introduce mysrlf?

I don't know her name but she seens very nice. How can I ask her her name and ask her what base she is on without looking like an ass? I would like to be friends. I know i sound like a creep and a geek whos never dated before/

So we have bases. which are basically your classes which you rotate between. Say Base A has teacher 1,2,3 for subject 1,2,3 and base b has 456 for subject 456. How can I ask her what base she is on without looking like an ass?

Thanks so much guys

Reply... Chadd...Posted: Aug 23 2006, 12:13 AM

QUOTE (RadioGaGa @ Aug 23 2006, 12:01 AM)

"Hi, I'm (insert your name here). What base are you in?"


"Hi I'm (insert name) I'd like to get to second base with you.

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Definitely. Personally I like the one where he goes "I'd clap for you but I'd drop this delicious sushi I'm eating". Hilarious.

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Posted by Vapor Aug 30 2006, 11:30 AM:

A inside source (which i will reveal, the rangers physical therapy guy) has said that leetch is in the city and is meeting with Sather and Maloney today (August 30) to sign with the blueshirts. It will be public this upcoming weekend

Reply by Mack Aug 30 2006, 01:12 PM:

In news with the same importance: The guys my brother plays street hockey with got a new kid in their neighbourhood. Can't skate very well but his mother's a dime and makes great spaghetti.

later that thread...

Posted by MissConduct Aug 30 2006, 02:01 PM:

QUOTE (mack @ Aug 30 2006, 02:12 PM)

In news with the same importance: The guys my brother plays street hockey with got a new kid in their neighbourhood. Can't skate very well but his mother's a dime and makes great spaghetti.

lmao.. spit out some pop reading this: just wanna say thanks

Reply by Mack Aug 30 2006, 02:08 PM:


Good girls don't spit.

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nah, they just sweat your nuts. now the xs and os were kinda faggy.

but I agree, I laugh out loud at least 2 or 3 times a night when reading mack's posts.

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Re: Vapor 40


Why would it be XXXX? Did they skip out of school when they taught roman numals? Properly, it would be XL.

mack Posted: Aug 5 2006, 04:34 PM

QUOTE (pantherfan @ Aug 5 2006, 01:53 PM)

That wouldn't look as good and people could confuse it for "Extra Large"

Did anyone confuse the XXXs for porn?

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Re: Vapor 40


Why would it be XXXX? Did they skip out of school when they taught roman numals? Properly, it would be XL.

mack Posted: Aug 5 2006, 04:34 PM

QUOTE (pantherfan @ Aug 5 2006, 01:53 PM)

That wouldn't look as good and people could confuse it for "Extra Large"

Did anyone confuse the XXXs for porn?

LOL.. thats a good one

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Mack is god for smart ass replies.

Mack for President.

Im gona get some shirts with that on there and his avatar picture (if that is really him)

I know they'll sell, got to.

Put his avatar on a dart board.... now THAT would really sell. A new product idea for MSH!!

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Mack is god for smart ass replies.

Mack for President.

Im gona get some shirts with that on there and his avatar picture (if that is really him)

I know they'll sell, got to.

Put his avatar on a dart board.... now THAT would really sell. A new product idea for MSH!!

How can you dislike Mack? Even if you are one of his previous “victims†in another thread, how can you not laugh at more then half of his posts.

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Mack is god for smart ass replies.

Mack for President.

Im gona get some shirts with that on there and his avatar picture (if that is really him)

I know they'll sell, got to.

Put his avatar on a dart board.... now THAT would really sell. A new product idea for MSH!!

How can you dislike Mack? Even if you are one of his previous “victims†in another thread, how can you not laugh at more then half of his posts.

She did not say she did not like them - she just played on the fact that Mack has a lot of haters out there.

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All Torhs Team: "Cough**Loxish**Cough"

JR Boucicaut: "cough...shut up...cough"

We need an ass kisser emote.

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