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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New rules

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Soo.... would these new rules benefit the smaller quick kid or the bigger strong kid?

My vote is on quick and agile of any size. At least right now, timing and lightning reflexes really help.

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Well being at the top of the womens game I was really hoping that we were going to have very compitant and very consistant reffing......and I heard today from an inside source that in our league that some Ref's will not call as intructed because they think in the Womens game the new rules are to much for the players to handle all at once.

Now that being said i would have to agree.......going from our first game to our second season game.

In the first game it was a very tightly called game with our team winning but getting 15 penalties. The opposing team had 13 or so. Now I thought we had a fair bit but I agreed with almost all the calls and was getting used to it very easily right away (being behind the bench) although the girls were not liking it to much.

Now on our game Saturday were I was unable to stay for the whole thing because of work I was told we lost 3-0 and had a massive 24 penalties to there 22.

The second game was called to the letter but to the point that even a marginal call where the ref was out of position to make an accurate call was a penelty.

Hopfully it gets addressed or we wont have any fans in the stand not there are many now.

Anyway still all for the new rules just have to make the right calls and be in the right place.

And Chadd in talking to a lot of Ref's and Owners up here they would rather do the 2 ref system because they want the right calls made not the ones that cost games because the guy is tirred and not in shape. They all realize the cost but in the end they think it will help the game go smoother! Just a little info from that other convo on refs...

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Soo.... would these new rules benefit the smaller quick kid or the bigger strong kid?

It's going to come down to skating and positioning, no matter how big you are. Establishing proper position to defend a player will be the difference in having to take a penalty or not.

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It's going to come down to skating and positioning, no matter how big you are. Establishing proper position to defend a player will be the difference in having to take a penalty or not.

Absolutely. The only penalty I've taken in the two games I've played this season was a trip, because I got out of position and had to dive to make a play on a guy with an open net, and ended up taking him down too. It was absolutely the right call (even though before the new enforcement standards it probably wouldn't have been called at all), and that's what I told the ref when he explained the call on my way to the box. :)

Other than that, strong positional play and quickness are absolutely key. We killed off a 5-on-3 against a much better team because we played good positional hockey and never let them run us around (and our goalie made some great saves, too) or get a chance at a rebound.

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Watched a PeeWee game this weekend after getting my boy new skates.

First 5 minutes was clean then the next 20 minutes there were constant penalties. Teams seemed like they traded 5 on 3s, 4 on 4s etc. Seemed like by the end of the game the faster kids wanted to hold onto the puck longer cause it drew more penalties.

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I lift his stick so he couldnt put the one timer in, and somehow i get called for an interference. What am I supposed to do let him score??? I didnt make any body contact with my stick at all, I just lifted his stick. If I am not mistaken you can lift someones stick if it is for the purpose of going for the puck. Apparently not.

It's interference now. Personally, I had no problems with the way the game was called before all this, but it's something that we're all going to have to adjust to.

I see no problem with lifting a guy's stick to keep him from playing a pass (lifting his stick, mind you, NOT hooking him), but I guess we're now supposed to try to get in there and try to intercept the pass. Good luck with that - and try not to get yourself killed by the late-guy when you step-up.

You can lift the stick if the puck is at the player, a foot or two at most, and coming to him. You can;t hold it up in the air though, it has to be a quick lift and go.

It was definitely within a couple feet of him. He ran into me after i lifted his stick so possibly the ref took that as me interfering him somehow. :rolleyes:

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There is always going to be a transition period when there is a change in the approach of the game (the rules are not new...they are just enforcing the existing ones). There was a ton of penalties in the NHL and OHL when the 'crackdown' was introduced, but as the season wore on and the players knew the restrictions, the games got better and better. Hockey has finally become the skill game it was intended to be...goons beware, there is no longer a place for you.

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Watched a PeeWee game this weekend after getting my boy new skates.

First 5 minutes was clean then the next 20 minutes there were constant penalties. Teams seemed like they traded 5 on 3s, 4 on 4s etc.  Seemed like by the end of the game the faster kids wanted to hold onto the puck longer cause it drew more penalties.

Five minutes was clean?!?! That is like a record for these new rules! Very first period in my majors game, 7 seconds in we got penalties. And 12 seconds into the third there’s a penalty. (20-25 total)

Edit -- Got to thinking, In like 10 years, we will all be saying "I remember the good ol' days of hockey"

I already miss the old rules, these newer rules change the game so much, it doesnt even seem like hockey anymore.

My teammate who is 5'3 checked somebody twice his size and knocked him on his ass, he got a penalty for TRIPPING.

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the new rules eliminate the plugs and reward the hard working skaters, get it through your mind, hockey is fast paced, nto clutching and grabbing

Agreed, it's not like these are new rules! I've never been one of those lazy pussies who waterski's everywhere and it seemed to always put me at a disadvantage until now.

The crackdown was necisary, the games in midget/junior in new england were a mess! The referees didn't want to call anything!

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the new rules eliminate the plugs and reward the hard working skaters, get it through your mind, hockey is fast paced, nto clutching and grabbing

You can barely check somebody now!

And Im not talking about those cheap shots. If you hit somebody on the boards like hockey has been played for who knows how long, you will get a penalty. That is how it is around here.

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I got to see one of my brother's games last night and wow...the first period was just painful to watch but they started to get the new rules. I almost want to say the refs were too fixated on the nancy crap because my brother jumped up to hit a kid and didn't get anything for it.

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I got to see one of my brother's games last night and wow...the first period was just painful to watch but they started to get the new rules. I almost want to say the refs were too fixated on the nancy crap because my brother jumped up to hit a kid and didn't get anything for it.

Good point, I could definitely see the officials missing a lot of the side stuff and behind the play because they're so fixated on the short list of calls.

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so quit hockey and take up a sport like knitting

You must not get where I am coming from.

If I say that I am upset that checking has been eliminated, I would expect you to say something like "Take up a sport like football". Where does knitting come from?

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im glad you came onthis board posing as someone you werent, and then suckin up to mack so he doesnt give you a mushroom tat

sucking up to mack? thats a new one.

and i havnt seen you give valuable information on this board in quite some time. there is really no point for you to be a member.

your purpose is simply being another mack, which is quite an insult to him.

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im glad you came onthis board posing as someone you werent, and then suckin up to mack so he doesnt give you a mushroom tat

sucking up to mack? thats a new one.

and i havnt seen you give valuable information on this board in quite some time. there is really no point for you to be a member.

your purpose is simply being another mack, which is quite an insult to him.

Weren't you the one who had "Village Idiot" tag for awhile?

Edit: ATT i mean.

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i dono i really liked the old rules even thow id come home after a game all smashed up and bruised... ill take the pain instead of getting 20 PIM per game like she its not even fun lol

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im glad you came onthis board posing as someone you werent, and then suckin up to mack so he doesnt give you a mushroom tat

sucking up to mack? thats a new one.

and i havnt seen you give valuable information on this board in quite some time. there is really no point for you to be a member.

your purpose is simply being another mack, which is quite an insult to him.

click on my member name, read the majority of my post as of late, all good info you skid. Im not the one getting on my knees and making a funniest MSH thread into a id do anythign for you mack, frickin tard

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