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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Post Your Team's Jersey(s) Thread

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What do you mean exactly, the design or the qualitx of the jersey ? Anyway the piranha on the front embroidery. We have also away jersey, just i like these colors better :)

They look like a nice quality jersey , but the logo seems a bit jokish, mayb it's just me. I jus can't see a really competetive team in competative jersey. The colours are pretty cool though.

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What do you mean exactly, the design or the qualitx of the jersey ? Anyway the piranha on the front embroidery. We have also away jersey, just i like these colors better :)

They look like a nice quality jersey , but the logo seems a bit jokish, mayb it's just me. I jus can't see a really competetive team in competative jersey. The colours are pretty cool though.

I think the logo is pretty good, well its not some everyday, but u know i dont really care about its looks as long as i like it, the away jersey is horrible, it has the same logo just the colors are like: dark blue and dark grey, its just horrible.

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I don't have a pic with the logo on our jersey's but you will get the idea. It is put onto the last Sabres jerseys before that new one with the orange. I just modified a logo that already existed.


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^ Thats a pretty busy logo... I Don't understand the Skull with sticks. Maybe the logo would be best with that left out...

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^ Thats a pretty busy logo... I Don't understand the Skull with sticks. Maybe the logo would be best with that left out...

I agree. The rest of the logo was designed to be simple and bold. Adding that complex skull in the middle really is an eyesore.

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^ Thats a pretty busy logo... I Don't understand the Skull with sticks. Maybe the logo would be best with that left out...

I agree. The rest of the logo was designed to be simple and bold. Adding that complex skull in the middle really is an eyesore.

i third this, it kills the whole concept of the lettering

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^ Thats a pretty busy logo... I Don't understand the Skull with sticks. Maybe the logo would be best with that left out...

I agree. The rest of the logo was designed to be simple and bold. Adding that complex skull in the middle really is an eyesore.

i third this, it kills the whole concept of the lettering

i agree as well the skull looks really out of place and the logo would look alot better without the skull

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I don't have a pic with the logo on our jersey's but you will get the idea. It is put onto the last Sabres jerseys before that new one with the orange. I just modified a logo that already existed.

Playing in the O for Niagra falls (St Catherines) this season j8Zt8r?

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Vishi, where did you get the 2nd jersey done? I'm looking to do something like that but only Blue where yours is black.

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Vishi, where did you get the 2nd jersey done? I'm looking to do something like that but only Blue where yours is black.

The guy who designed our jerseys actually has a cafepress shop.

Quacker Design

You can find his info there if you want him to design your jersey... I think he did a hell of a job on the 190 Octane jerseys.

The Ignite jerseys were designed by ACE themselves.

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