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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Post Your Team's Jersey(s) Thread

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Yup, those jersey's are awesome, we were sponsored for that team's run by Saturn and Great western homes, so we kinda went all out for the jerseys. The dark is Edmonton's thirds from a few years back, the tear-drop jersey designed by Todd McFarlane.

Was always a fan of those jerseys. Didn't suit the team, but liked the jerseys regardless.

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The team was called Legacy. We had ice time at the Winter Classic this year and decided to split the team into Legacy Flyers and Legacy Rangers.

Would be cool to see a close up of those logos!

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I love the Chicago flag shoulder patch, and black and blue is a very underrated color scheme, I think. Socks are a little too much for me tho ahah

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Heres our new jerseys. Socks are going to match the sleeves. The question is whether we go with the standard knit fabric, or dazzle. Its tough to tell from the photos but dazzle is beautiful. Anyone have any experience with dazzle jerseys? pros/cons?

67 is dazzle 5 is knit.


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Named after the bar that sponsors us. The logo is also theirs with a modification by a guy on our team. Talks are to get a third jersey in white, or go with the Xmas red.





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We decided that every Mixer we are the Hat Trick Swayzes. We are paying homage to the first team and hell, we even went so far as to add our characters names to the back. Very simple and everybody loved it.


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