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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What is the world is this?

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On the Mission player gallary


I dont know which one but it's a pic of Raflaski attempting a poke check. A Flyers player is in the background and he has a black stick with writings on it, what brand/model is it?

Mods: I have the pic saved, any way i can upload it?

Edit: I suspect it's Leclair with a Sher-wood, with his gloves and god-awful tape job and all.

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really? al ive seen/used is the original blue ones.anyone have a model name for it so i can search on the net for it? i know its a momentum something

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a guy on the falmes uses them forgot who though..... anyone kno when they will be released?

yeah, I'm pretty sure that Robyn Regehr uses (or did use) one...

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Not to be that big of a dick, but you just brought up a 5+ month old topic...to give the same answer a bunch of people already had.

P.S. I played you yesterday.

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Interesting...anybody else use them?

naslund used them until he became a nike guy

All of Naslund's Sherwood's were wood. I remember he used a wodden Vic and a Mission M-1 before too. At the Canucks equipment sale, he also had a white Bauer Supreme (Can't remember which model specifically), Blue Wooden Sherwood Momentums and Wooden Sherwoods that have been spraypainted black.

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a guy on the falmes uses them forgot who though..... anyone kno when they will be released?

yeah, I'm pretty sure that Robyn Regehr uses (or did use) one...

he still uses one

and i will use one next season, when my wood sticks run out

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