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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Worst Curve out there

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I don't know about the worst, but I know a curve that definitely didn't work for me was the CCM Stuart...couldn't stick handle or shoot well with the thing. Of course I didn't give it much of a chance...I only tried it for like 5 or 10 minutes then used my other stick and when I got home I put it up on ebay. Being used to a mid or toe-curve and until the sakic clones primarily closed faced curves the combination of a heel curve and an open face was a big change for me.

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when I look at toe curves, it makes me throw up in my mouth a little.

Vaclav Prospal DEFINITELY has the worst curve, ever.

i second that

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when I look at toe curves, it makes me throw up in my mouth a little. 

Vaclav Prospal DEFINITELY has the worst curve, ever.

i second that

I third that

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Thackuk I unno maybe im just shit with it. :lol:

Prime example right here:

Tkachuk is my baby, thats what i get with TPS. I love that curve.

A wise man once said, "One man's garbage is another man's treasure."

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Forsberg...awful small.


I like Yzerman and Coffey.

Yeah, I'm going to have to go ahead and disgree with you on that one mmkay.

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Lidstrom/Lecavalier. Crazy curve

That's my fav. curve!! How dare you!! :o

I would still like the Lidstrom , but the backhand is way out of control. Now I try to go for a more druryish curve or modo if i have to.

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Forsberg...awful small.


I like Yzerman and Coffey.

I used to think the same way. Until I figured out that the curve was actually

detracting from my shot b/c I was relying on the curve and not proper technique for a good hard shot off. After switching to something with way less curve my shooting's actually improved. Plus, until recently the good ol' Yzerhook was an illegal curve, but I suppose that's a moot point now what with the rule change.

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