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looking for new helmet

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Well, its time for a new helmet. I play adult league hockey and suffered a concussion 2 seasons ago. last season I was fine. however, in my game on wednesday someone clipped me pretty good and I fell like normal but my head snapped down and hit the ice pretty hard. after the game I took a look at my helmet and it was cracked around the screw thats near the impact. anyways, I figure I should get a better helmet (currently I have a bauer1000 which was what I was wearing at the time, I also have a CCM 652 which I will be wearing until I get a helmet with better padding), so I was looking at the Reebok 6k, the Mission Intake, and the Bauer 5000, however I saw on hockeymonkey they have some prostock CCM's, one of them being the HT400 and its only $35 which seems like a good deal. but I'm wondering if this helmet is any good or if its basically about as protective as a ccm 462? it look like the 1092 just at a cheaper price so is this a good buy? sorry for the long explanation...

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I have a HT400 and use it for roller. I've slammed the back of my head pretty hard and got woozy but as hard as I hit my head I would have thought it would have been worse. But with pro stock you have no idea what you're going to get, they might have stripped out the foam and put in a different kind or whatever. But i do believe that the rise in the back of the helmet near the neck is a concussion protection type feature... but that's just what I heard. Maybe someone else can confirm or deny that.

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I only know that a stock HT400 is the 2002ish version of an 852, which I'm not 100% sure but should be around the same as the Bauer 5000/5500. The pro HT400 appearst to have the EPP foam like the stock 1052, but I know that the stock HT400 doesn't have it (stock HT500 does). I personally would stay away from the Intake and 1052 as overal I don't think they're worth the money to an adult leaguer. Not quite sure about the 6k at all, but once again I would probably stay away from it myself. I'd say get the HT400 for $35 or a Bauer 5000.

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Am I the only one that feel that the INTAKE is CHEAPLY-MADE.( I'm a 8000 owner.)

I mean:

-The blue print goes off.

-What about the foam? Why didn't they put a stripe of foam(at top of the head) than little piece of foam each 5 cm.

-Where you adjust the sizee of your helmet, the screw doesn't even stay in place, I tighen them yesterday and one already came off. Why not make a system like the 8000,the screw system just look cheap.

-Also, the little foam that goes around your neck on 8000 helmet are very nice made compared to just a strap of black cloth. But this is not really cheap made, just a nice addition.


-The foam are pretty cushy, which i really like just like on my 8000 i found the 8k to be pretty ''hard'' not that smooth cushy finish!

-HeadLock seem pretty good with no adjustment, I would even say that the headlock is better than the 8000 but i never had problem with the back of the 8000..

VENT: I don't get why they put the ''white thing'' in each hole. and IMO, there vents hole doesn't feel cooler than the 8000 in anyways.they are just the same.

Light: Pretty the same as all the top of the line helmet, 8000,1052. Not heavy at all not super light.

Conclusion: I think, Mission wanted to have a ''top of line'' helmet at low cost. But IMO they should sold the helmet 30$ and put the extra 30$ in the construction of the helmet.

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sorry i wasnt clear. Yes I own an intake helmet, our association gave us navy helmet and navy glove 852( im happy that i bought navy glove!(vapor XX)).

This was a small review i made for some of you, would be looking for an helmet. That is my OPINION.

*and now i'm looking to trade my black helmet 8000 Large. (in the trade section) for a navy helmet!

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I use a Bauer 5000 helmet and couldn't be happier with it. I bought it a year and a half ago and its held up great! The padding is the gel stuff I'm sure you know of. It is really light, you really don't notice the padding at all. I hav'nt really had any big falls where the helmet has saved me but if I did, I'm sure that I would be very thankful for using the Bauer 5000 helmet.

Hope this helped a little.


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I have the Mission Intake and couldn't be happier. Extremely comfortable helmet and great ventilation features. I used to own a Bauer 5000 and loved that too. I don't have a problem with the features or quality of either helmet. I do honestly think the Bauer 5000 or 8000 is a more protective helmet though.

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Bargain sports is a very nice online store. I've bought a couple items through there and couldn't have been happier with them.

So JR Boucicaut, do you do alot of online work for them as your job, or are you a supervisor of somesort?

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  JR Boucicaut said:
I have prostock (no logo) HT500 VNs for $39
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What is the difference between the pro stock and non-pro stock version other than not having a logo? My brother just picked up a HT500 at the Summit in East Lansing (for $39), and I'm just a little curious.

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Mission intakes have the worst size adjustment out of any helmet ive ever had. I cant comment on anything else as i have yet to use it.

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  zingbergeur said:
  JR Boucicaut said:
I have prostock (no logo) HT500 VNs for $39
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What is the difference between the pro stock and non-pro stock version other than not having a logo? My brother just picked up a HT500 at the Summit in East Lansing (for $39), and I'm just a little curious.

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Think the 'VN' stands for the vinyl nitrile foam. Think that's what it's called...it's the yellow or black foam instead of EPP. I'm guessing that's what it is.

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  sc37 said:
  zingbergeur said:
  JR Boucicaut said:
I have prostock (no logo) HT500 VNs for $39
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Think the 'VN' stands for the vinyl nitrile foam. Think that's what it's called...it's the yellow or black foam instead of EPP. I'm guessing that's what it is.

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is that vinyl nitrile a good or bad thing? sorry I'm not update w/ my foams..

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  hapamatt122 said:
  sc37 said:
  JR Boucicaut said:
I have prostock (no logo) HT500 VNs for $39
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Think the 'VN' stands for the vinyl nitrile foam. Think that's what it's called...it's the yellow or black foam instead of EPP. I'm guessing that's what it is.

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is that vinyl nitrile a good or bad thing? sorry I'm not update w/ my foams..

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you have to draw your own conclusion about it. Some people say that the newer foams are more likely to get you a concussion reasoning being that the foam is like a bike helmet, and people throw bike helmets away after one crash. The companies say they're more protective because the foam is harder.

I like my intake and can't believe anyone would call the things cheap. They're an upgrade to the itech HC 100, and the helmet feels better temperature wise and in comfortability when compared to a bauer 5000. I feel more secure with a screw system on my helmets than with a snap and slide system, it's also easier to manage if you just loosen the screws all the way.

The only con is if you play without a cage, it makes you look like you have a huge dome.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
Hockey Deals is Summit's hockey-only website.

Our eBay account is Bargain Sports.

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great stuff!

I almost bought a few Sherwood Momentum RM7's from Bargain Sports...

do you still have any in stock?

(sorry to hijack the post)

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  hockechamp14 said:

The only con is if you play without a cage, it makes you look like you have a huge dome.

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yeah it does... I have a huge dome, and I play without a cage... so my noggin looks gigantic.

I had a Bauer 4000 when I first picked up playing again... I know it's pretty low-end, but it just felt very awkward. It also wasn't ventilated good at all, so my head would get gross... which is normal, but I would have to take it off while I was on the bench.

I feel a lot better in the Intake, as the EPP foam is the safer bet probably. I shave my head down completely, so it's nice to have the ventilation to keep my dome cool... but yeah, the guy earlier was right- the blue ink from the softer gel foam does come off with sweating... I came home with blue zig-zags on my head one night, and my fiancee was like "what did you DO to your head??"

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Bargain Sports does have some good deals on ebay...they would sell more to Canadians if they didn't only ship UPS though as the brokerage fees are crazy. If they shipped USPS as well it'd likely help with business outside of the US.

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