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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Normally I would keep this info to myself but considering how great this is I had to share it with you ALL. I tryed this product for the first time last night and This stuff is AWESOME. FYI; I do not sell this or have anything to do with this company although I wish I did. You can get it at local high end bike shops in trial sizes. Thats how I got it and will continue to use this every game.

Your crazy not to try the free sample pack!!!


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I don't trust products like this. It says it stops the production of lactic acid. Lactic acid isn't such a bad thing because it's what helps your body tell you to stop overexerting and inhibits injury. If you're taking somthing that is limiting your body's way of naturally protecting itself, it sounds like it could hurt in the long run.

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new studies on lactic acid has disproved the 'myth' regarding the old school of thought.

its logical too since under low oxygen environments in our muscle cells, fermentation takes place and enzymes takes lactic acid back into pyruvate (its an equilibrium) and rejuvenates the NAD, so it can be used in glycolysis again to make 2 NADH and 2 ATP, while the 2NADH's can be used in the electron transport chain to make more ATP.

i cannot find the exact article regarding lactic acid online

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new studies on lactic acid has disproved the 'myth' regarding the old school of thought.

its logical too since under low oxygen environments in our muscle cells, fermentation takes place and enzymes takes lactic acid back into pyruvate (its an equilibrium) and rejuvenates the NAD, so it can be used in glycolysis again to make 2 NADH and 2 ATP, while the 2NADH's can be used in the electron transport chain to make more ATP.

i cannot find the exact article regarding lactic acid online


These 2 think that you are wrong :o

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new studies on lactic acid has disproved the 'myth' regarding the old school of thought.

its logical too since under low oxygen environments in our muscle cells, fermentation takes place and enzymes takes lactic acid back into pyruvate (its an equilibrium) and rejuvenates the NAD, so it can be used in glycolysis again to make 2 NADH and 2 ATP, while the 2NADH's can be used in the electron transport chain to make more ATP.

i cannot find the exact article regarding lactic acid online

Oh, now I understand. :blink:

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new studies on lactic acid has disproved the 'myth' regarding the old school of thought.

its logical too since under low oxygen environments in our muscle cells, fermentation takes place and enzymes takes lactic acid back into pyruvate (its an equilibrium) and rejuvenates the NAD, so it can be used in glycolysis again to make 2 NADH and 2 ATP, while the 2NADH's can be used in the electron transport chain to make more ATP.

i cannot find the exact article regarding lactic acid online


These 2 think that you are wrong :o

They both look scared shitless though, maybe they are at gunpoint :P

So A2rhino did you get aching legs at all?

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No I did not get aching legs. I actually felt that I had an extra 20+ stronger seconds than normal. Like I said, I tryed it, loved it and will continue to use it. Thought I would pass on the info to those of you interested in the product. Not those of you who like to dog stuff that you havent tryed.

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so how in the name of organic chemistry do you reduce lactic acid levels or production without having similar affects to a thermogenic? After taking certain thermo's before games, i.e. lipo6, hydroxycut hardcore, gnc thermobooster etc., it can be noted that your legs do not feel as sluggish, and you dont feel the usual 3rd period pain in your legs. You are able to go longer and harder and faster with this sportlegs stuff, the same way you are able to operate with a good thermogenic. In my eyes its one in the same.

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You are able to go longer and harder and faster with this sportlegs stuff, the same way you are able to operate with a good thermogenic. In my eyes its one in the same.

My question is, will it cause Priapism?

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You are able to go longer and harder and faster with this sportlegs stuff, the same way you are able to operate with a good thermogenic. In my eyes its one in the same.

My question is, will it cause Priapism?

What is Priapism?

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You are able to go longer and harder and faster with this sportlegs stuff, the same way you are able to operate with a good thermogenic. In my eyes its one in the same.

My question is, will it cause Priapism?

Priapism \Pri"a*pism\, n. [L. priapismus, Gr. ?, from Priapus the god of procreation, the penis, Gr. ?: cf. F. priapisme.]

(Med.) More or less permanent erection and rigidity of the penis, with or without sexual desire. [1913 Webster]

Sorry, NO. LOL!!

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new studies on lactic acid has disproved the 'myth' regarding the old school of thought.

its logical too since under low oxygen environments in our muscle cells, fermentation takes place and enzymes takes lactic acid back into pyruvate (its an equilibrium) and rejuvenates the NAD, so it can be used in glycolysis again to make 2 NADH and 2 ATP, while the 2NADH's can be used in the electron transport chain to make more ATP.

i cannot find the exact article regarding lactic acid online


These 2 think that you are wrong :o

They both look scared shitless though, maybe they are at gunpoint :P

So A2rhino did you get aching legs at all?

haha, that's exactly what I was thinking. They look more constipated than anything. :D

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your avatar makes me wanna priapism all over the place... lol

Dude, Happy my girl turns you on. LOL!! To funny

Was all that gear brand new or something? Because there is no way in hell my GF would wear one glove little though almost every item! She claims the smell is something like arse and ferrets. How much were you paying her Rhino, seriously??? ;)

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your avatar makes me wanna priapism all over the place... lol

Dude, Happy my girl turns you on. LOL!! To funny

Was all that gear brand new or something? Because there is no way in hell my GF would wear one glove little though almost every item! She claims the smell is something like arse and ferrets. How much were you paying her Rhino, seriously??? ;)

She's a great sport. Truth be known I'm a fanatic with my gear and keep it extremely clean. Kinda like Paul Coffey use to. The gloves were Brand New though.

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so how in the name of organic chemistry do you reduce lactic acid levels or production without having similar affects to a thermogenic? After taking certain thermo's before games, i.e. lipo6, hydroxycut hardcore, gnc thermobooster etc., it can be noted that your legs do not feel as sluggish, and you dont feel the usual 3rd period pain in your legs. You are able to go longer and harder and faster with this sportlegs stuff, the same way you are able to operate with a good thermogenic. In my eyes its one in the same.

You can decrease pain and lactic acid by increasing muscle buffering of H+ ions. Basically, with more muscluar carnosine, you change the muscle pH closer to normal. This product works nothing like that though.

Carnosine supplementation works nothing like a thermogenic. It's like taking creatine.

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I bought six bottles of the Sport Legs and it works great for on ice, and amazing for muscle recovery. Earlier this week I broke my wrist so I can not use these anymore and I wanted to know if anyone was interested in buying a bottle (or three)?

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