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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 9k O-Tech Stick (pics added by JR)

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Did he change back to his sickick in the 3rd?

i was gonna ask teh same thing.

i'm pretty sure he did, as i noticed that as well.

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Incase it hasn't been said yet, the stick is coming out in April, retailing at about 330$ Canadian, considering in canada, the dolomite, mac daddy, xxx lite (when they came out) one90, SL's when they came out etc...were all only 50$ less then that, or less then 50$ even, and considering in my opinion when I tried the stick a couple months ago and how great it felt, in terms of balance, the width and shape of the shaft, the flex, the feel everything was just unlike any other stick, to me it would be worth the extra 50$ canadian or so, i don't know what others who tried it think though.

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He said the stick has not came out yet, along with everyone else that said it HAS NOT come out yet.

Don't you mean..."Welcome to the boards...He said the stick has not came out yet, along with everyone else that said it HAS NOT come out yet." :D

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it was hilarious, my friend who went to the all-star game this past week sat pretty close to the western bench...said that after every shift in the first period teemu kept on looking at the stick and just trying to get a feel for it and figure the stick out.....didnt stick with it very long.

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actually they look like V8.0's, because the V10SE is all black... but the top of the boot where the blue is, is dark unlike the silver on the V8.0.


edit: ha... funny we started the same way

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