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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 9k O-Tech Stick (pics added by JR)

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I don't want to sound like a MSH spokesman but I think you should send the pics(if you get them) to JR or someone to put a MSH watermark and maybe even your user name too. I'm sure the pic will make its rounds online and getting MSH's name further out is a good thing.

I'd love to see pics and love to try it. Although I dont know about the 9k stick, it seems with the sickick that RBK is heading in the right direction as far as sticks go. I might have to *shutter* buy a RBK stick.

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I was at my game last night and I'm visualizing this stick on the bench... The holes would be on the "top" and "bottom" walls near the hosel, not the side walls, right? I can see how a setup like this would help with torque and possibly generate more pop. Its definitely an innovative concept and with the right materials I can see it being actually more structurally solid than a "hollow" shaft as the arches of the holes would support and disperse the stress of both shots and slashes. Very cool

That's pretty cool! It would probably stiffen up the stick against bending along the top and bottom walls (narrow sides) of the shaft, which might help against slashes on the top wall of the stick.

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Anyone know the retail price for the Sickick? I have never bought a new model of nay gear but think I might spring for one of these beings I love the 5k, believe it or not.

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I dont know about anyone else, but i like the rbk 7v. The feel is better than most ops. The durablity is suspect because i've only been using it the last 3 weeks. It seems to be holding together, and the release is nice. I'd recommend the stick. I would'nt pay retail, but if you can get one for less than $200 its worth the money.

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Ask and you shall receive...actually it was more like a present - magically appeared in my e-mailbox.

Thanks for the parties who were involved.


Closeup of the O-Tech


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there's at least 7 holes. I think the round white dots are graphics.

seeing this pic makes me antsy in my pants. I wanna see this thing up close. thanks JR, and unnamed stranger.

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Seven holes. Looks ridiculous, but, if it performs better than any of the sticks I've used to date, I'll be able to look past the hideous appearance (and the potential heavy price-tag).

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Thanks JR! That look slightly different that I imagined (I thought the holes would go through the narrow side... oh well). That would probably stiffen the shaft and "cut down on aerodynamic drag" (as I'm sure RBK's marketing wizards will exploit :D ). I can see the ads already...

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Wow, i guess that was made by Homer Simpson. Like when he hammered "accerleration holes" into his car when he was chased by the mob. Haaaa.

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Holy crap! Thats nothing like I pictured in my head... I picture them having a hard time selling this to veteran NHL guys but hey, if it performs thats another story altogether. I guess we'll see

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That stick looks way cool. Too bad it will also be way expensive.

I wonder what benefits it will offer? Will it be that much lighter?

How light can a stick get before it starts to feel like a wiffle bat?

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Holy crap! Thats nothing like I pictured in my head... I picture them having a hard time selling this to veteran NHL guys but hey, if it performs thats another story altogether. I guess we'll see

Datsyuk will be the first in it.

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I can see this being much stronger then a traditional hollow shaft. Interesting concept, wonder how it will perform. Being stiffer in that lower section makes me wonder how well it will "kick" out of the taper.

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that stick loks goofy.

is that 6 holes? i cant really tell how many are holes.

theres gotta be durability issues with this thing

looks stronger than a traditional hollow shaft.

think about it.

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Now lets see if it can take a nice chop to that section of the stick and see how is holds up

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all i can think about now is kids who break this stick cant turn it into a 2 pieec with a tapered blade

interesting, i never even thought of that. i doubt that will affect how well it sells.

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