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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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White Rbk 9k

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  Fletch said:

BTW, I called hockeyshop.com to confirm, and they are $699 CAD.... :blink:

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I thought I heard $799 (or more). I if there are only 100 pairs per region...you could charge whatever you want and hope that people would still buy local rather than order and pay extra shipping/handling fees.

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anybody that pays for these like there the best thing since sliced bread is killing hockey...

I remember when Vapor 8's where like 400CND and people where flipping out.... now every year, they raise the bar by 50$ and it seems like everybody is just gobbleling it up... Soon skates are going to hit 1000CND and people are going to be like, well I guess it's the price then and pay....

I want good skates too but i'll wait for them to be on clearance for 249 thank you...

if we all start doing that and the stores and reps are caught with a bunch of overstock, trust me the prices will be re-evaluated, I can't imagine being a parent and buying 600$ skates and 300$ sticks for my performing kid...

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Hey, where else are these being sold other than The Hockey Shop in Surrey? They're out of my size and I'm trying to score a pair.

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I have heard that you can also have your LHS order them through your CCM rep. The LHS by me just ordered a pair today for a guy out here...and that is in the US.

Now, I can't tell for certain if it comes out of the current inventory being held by those that have received the skates, but I do know that the CCM rep can help find a pair if they are available in your size.

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These skates will be offered to premium dealers in the United States as of the Hockey show in Montreal. These will be limited to the elite dealers only and I was able to see the availabilty list provided by my sales rep yesterday at our annual meetings. I have ordered six pairs that they showed in stock. Unfortunately they are all E width. I know this is true and it will happen!

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I see this becoming the begining of the skates going into the $600.00 + U.S. market from here on out. I was just told that the new Easton ST15's will be in that same price point. How many different $500.00 + skates will one dealer be able to stock and sell? Not to mention is so many different sizes.

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