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Who's been doing their teacher?

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there has been quite a few cases of teacher student relationships on the news around here in the past few years. personally i think its nasty that a teacher would sacrifi ce their future just to have a younger person.

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If that happened up here in Canada she'd lose her job, but I doubt she'd get jail time as the age of consent is 14 here. I know when I was 17 if a teacher in her 20s wanted to service me I'd hardly call myself a victim. It doesn't sound like she forced the guy into anything. If he didn't want to meet her in the park and felt pressure he could've went to staff member or his parents before. I'm not sure why he mentioned it to a staff member after though, although I could see mentioning it to his buddies. The teacher is dumb for going after a student after her school, sure, as she'd be foolish to think it wouldn't get out, but I don't think it's something that deserves jail time or a huge fine. A 17 year old is old enough to decide what they want to do. Forced sex definitely deserves jail, but consentual sex with a 17 year old...I really don't think so.

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I remember a teacher here being found guilty of being in one of his students. Bad enough in principle but the guy taught special ed. I figured I should pass that on since some of you may attend these classes and you shouldn't trust a teacher just because you call them by their first name and let you carry a stuffed animal into class every day.

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I do not want to appear to be defending this at all... because it is despicable.

However, if the article is accurate, it clearly stately she was NOT his teacher... she taught in the same school he attended. One of the issues in sexual misconduct is the power imbalance; if she is not his teacher does the power imbalance exist?

But this completely baffles me.... Why in the world would someone commit career suicide... and for THAT? Such stupidity. She has to be a nutbar to do this nonsense. But then again, lol, I didn't date guys in their 20's when I was IN my 20's - let alone neophytes of 17. THAT is taking teaching way too far.

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However, if the article is accurate, it clearly stately she was NOT his teacher... she taught in the same school he attended. One of the issues in sexual misconduct is the power imbalance; if she is not his teacher does the power imbalance exist?

They may not be their teacher but they are still an authoritative figure. The same reasons I can't go out and play tickle the pink parts with my assistant go for any one else's in our company.

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She doesn't deserve any time, at 17 your old enough to know what is right and wrong. I bet she walks away,

And take off her glasses and I bet shes one hot tamolly

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I'm sick of these kids saying there victims and crap, when your 17 in america now adays your probaly not a virgin, you know what the deal about sex is, and you control the decision. I dont know why these kids keep complaining maybe there parents dont give them attention and they want some but still you made the choice live with it or dont bang your teachers.

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What i find funny about those female teachers looking for young boys is that they are usually pretty hot. What kind of 17 years old boy is going to say no to that?

Remember Debra Lafave?


Why not me?

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This is now the battlefield where double-standards come to die. A male teacher does this, he's being villified and will be tossed in prison only to be raped and take a shiv here and there. A female does this and the "but the student's 17" and "boys are boys" arguments will come in.

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I'm sick of these kids saying there victims and crap, when your 17 in america now adays your probaly not a virgin, you know what the deal about sex is, and you control the decision. I dont know why these kids keep complaining maybe there parents dont give them attention and they want some but still you made the choice live with it or dont bang your teachers.

damn... i would not turn that down! :o

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The guys that get to bang their teachers all seems to be idiots and get them into trouble for some reason. Keep your mouth shut, keep the teachers legs open, get the grades.

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The guys that get to bang their teachers all seems to be idiots and get them into trouble for some reason. Keep your mouth shut, keep the teachers legs open, get the grades.

Exactly, if you don't tell anyone, odds are you're going to get it more often! :P

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