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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hanukkah/Christmas 2006: The payoff

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No more 3 year old .3 megapixel LG4540 or whatever the heck it was. Congrats mack, hope you like children! I'm personally trying to hold off on kids for atleast 20 more years, me having a child seems like a very scary proposition.

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Congrats on the new-comer Mack


I never knew mack was a good swimmer, must of passed it on to the little guys.

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Mom gave me 500$ and I just put it in my bank account, it's all going for my Mac that I will probably buy this spring when OS X 5 comes out. Also got a 2nd G Shuffle. My dad has not given me anything for the past 3 years, doesn't call me on my B-day or anything. One of the last christmas he gave me was a fryer, pretty nice gift considering the fact that I had just lost 120 lbs on a diet. Giving a fryer to a former fat kid is like giving a loaded gun to a former serial killer.

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with the money i got, i've been able to buy new friends, i'm a very happy man now!

Hookers are only your friends until you run out of cash....hope you like crabs and herpes.


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Early: PS3 60 gig, extra controller, NHL2K7, Resistance, Need for speed.(brother and I split on it for each other)

Christmas: Senators sweater, American Eagle sweater, Don Cherry 18, Leaf's Moose(joke gift), Madden 07 for the wii, Marvel Ultimate alliance for 360, Tickets to an OHL game, Desk, $200 Cash, DVD case, Family guy Volume 4, the office season 2. Pretty good haul this year

Dude...You've got a Wii, a 360 and a PS3???? How do you find time for all three...or how do you find time for anything ELSE?

between me and my brother we have all 3, but lately it's been all about the Wii. Just finished a big sports tourney with guys from my team. It's amazing...that's the only way to put it...it's defanitly a workout though for some games like boxing. Oh and ultimate alliance does suck

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people probably won't care what a newb lurker got too much. :P

but i think i got a nice haul this year!

Pentax K110D (except the company sent the wrong item, it was supposed to come with a lens so i may have to send it back - which sucks)

Simpson's - season 9 (best season yet!)

dr. katz - season 1

let's rock again (joe strummer dvd)

few books i wanted

$350 cash



a ton of candy for some reason

oh and a nice 24-hour flu for new years eve! but i got healthy in time for work :rolleyes:

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Got a late Christmas present earlier this morning when an ultrasound shows at least one of the demons in my wife's stomach has what appears to be a penis. This early I'd say she gets that from the mother's side but I'm still amped to have a mini-me.

Uhmmm...hate to break this to ya mack...but they aren't really in her STOMACH. Have you been getting anatomy lessons from a 2 year old again?


Congrats...I didn't realize you were having twins....wait...it's not more than 2 is it?????

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Of course I know they're not in her stomach; the stork is just waiting till they hatch before he can bring them.

And yeah, at this point it's just twins *knock on wood*. As interesting as it'd be to have them duel each other to prove themselves tougher I hope they turn out all right.

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Of course I know they're not in her stomach; the stork is just waiting till they hatch before he can bring them.

And yeah, at this point it's just twins *knock on wood*. As interesting as it'd be to have them duel each other to prove themselves tougher I hope they turn out all right.

Well, from what you've told me about their mum, they should turn out GREAT. It is the other side of the gene pool I'd be concerned about.

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