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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Song Help

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  hyprlte said:

this one might be hard, but does anyone know what song is played when teams are warming up that has the phrase "ladies and gentleman" ? its a rocky song, and i know its not lets get ready to rumble. Ive heard it a couple of times at hockey games, and i heard it tonight at the blue jays game before the game started. I really want it so any help would be appreciated

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Not Saliva's Ladies and Gentlemen?

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  D-MaN88 said:

Don't really know if it's even a real full version song or if it was just made for the commercial, but does anyone know if a full version of the song from the new Nike Sparq Training Commercial exists and what/who the title/artist is?

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The only one I have seen had Saul Williams on it.

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I need some help finding a song in a hurry for a project Im doing in school. I have to make a slide show that is humorous and its gota have a song. So immidiatly I was like "Ill do white-gangsta's to the song 'Im so hood'".

Well I forgot that Im so hood song is not edited. Neither are any of the other songs that come to mind.

Im looking for a song that would be humorous to a slide shows of gangster wanna-be white kids.

Here are some of my images:




The songs I thought about but couldnt use because of profanity were

Im so hood- dj khaled

gangsta gangsta - lil scrappy

roll out - ludacris

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  All Torhs Team said:

I need some help finding a song in a hurry for a project Im doing in school. I have to make a slide show that is humorous and its gota have a song. So immidiatly I was like "Ill do white-gangsta's to the song 'Im so hood'".

Well I forgot that Im so hood song is not edited. Neither are any of the other songs that come to mind.

Im looking for a song that would be humorous to a slide shows of gangster wanna-be white kids.

Here are some of my images:




The songs I thought about but couldnt use because of profanity were

Im so hood- dj khaled

gangsta gangsta - lil scrappy

roll out - ludacris

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you have to use the Weird Al Yankovic song called White & Nerdy, basically a rip off of Ridin' Dirty. Best Wigger song ever.

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  Chadd said:
  wex12 said:
pretty fly for a white guy?
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That's my pick

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You know its kinda hard just to get along today

Our subject isn't cool, but he fakes it anyway

He may not have a clue, and he may not have style

But everything he lacks, well he makes up in denial


He needs some cool tunes, not just any will suffice

But they didn't have Ice Cube so he bought Vanilla Ice

Now cruising in his Pinto, he sees homies as he pass

But if he looks twice, they're gonna kick his lily ass!


Now he's getting a tattoo yeah, he's getting ink done

He asked for a 13, but they drew a 31

Friends say he's trying too hard and he's not quite hip

But in his own mind he's the, he's the dopest trip

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Funny you guys mentioned that one because its the same one my teacher suggested. However I dont think he is aware of the ass word in it, even though he's being the one whos so knit-picky about swearing.

Its impossible to find a song nowdays without a single swear word.

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  All Torhs Team said:

Funny you guys mentioned that one because its the same one my teacher suggested. However I dont think he is aware of the ass word in it, even though he's being the one whos so knit-picky about swearing.

Its impossible to find a song nowdays without a single swear word.

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If you can say it on Regular Network TV (ABC/NBC/CBS/FOX) before 9PM...it's not a "swear" anymore....that's my take.

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I might not be giving enough clues to work with, but they played a song at the Avs game tonight that I couldn't place. I've heard it before and it's kinda alternative with a chorus (I believe) of instruments that go

Doo da doo doo....followed by the DJ turning down the sound and the crowd singing "Whoo hoo!"

Any idea what this is?

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No, unfortunately that's not it. It has more of dancey feel, so maybe alternative isn't a good description. I know I've heard the song before, but it has a catchy beat, so I'd like to track it down.

I'm going to change the tune, by the way. From "Doo da doo doo" to "Doo da da doo doo"

Maybe that'll help. :D

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  Jason Harris said:

No, unfortunately that's not it. It has more of dancey feel, so maybe alternative isn't a good description. I know I've heard the song before, but it has a catchy beat, so I'd like to track it down.

I'm going to change the tune, by the way. From "Doo da doo doo" to "Doo da da doo doo"

Maybe that'll help. :D

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Oh- a smartass. I'll have to catch a game on TV and see if I can catch it.

It's not as simple as "Da da da" by Trio is it?

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No, I think it's a relatively new song, maybe the past 2-3 years.

I'll have to listen to Satriani's "Crowd Song" but this is much poppier than what he usually plays.

What's bugging me is I know I've heard this song before, as well as the crowd knew they were supposed to sing "Whoo Hoo" when the DJ cut the volume. Maybe I'll see if I can get contact information for the DJ.

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  Drewhunz said:

Sweet Escape- Gwen Stefani. That's gotta be it.

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We have a winner. Thanks.

Listening to the whole song, it's too polished for me, be the refrain is great. Also, the version at the game sounded slightly pumped up compared to the album version.

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