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throwing glove on a breakaway/penalty shot

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Is it ok to throw your glove to distract the goalies attention and then shoot on a breakaway/penalty shot? I saw this in a video and it looks like it might work pretty good.

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I've done it a couple times before, but never in a game. For one youll look like the biggest douche in the league, especially if you miss like Buzz said. Also I think its against the rules to intentionally loose your equiptment.

Ive done it in practice though. Coach didnt like it cause it was our first.

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i once threw a glove at a guy who had an empty net breakaway. he still scored....before anyone says anything, i was nowhere near the guy. it was a long toss from the far blue line.

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Is it ok to throw your glove to distract the goalies attention and then shoot on a breakaway/penalty shot? I saw this in a video and it looks like it might work pretty good.

do you have a link?

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Is it ok to throw your glove to distract the goalies attention and then shoot on a breakaway/penalty shot? I saw this in a video and it looks like it might work pretty good.

A guy did it one night in pick up. I doubt it's illegal...but, as stated...you run the risk of looking like a dick.

Some moves are left for practice/pick up and drop in.

That's one of them.

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Is it ok to throw your glove to distract the goalies attention and then shoot on a breakaway/penalty shot? I saw this in a video and it looks like it might work pretty good.

A guy did it one night in pick up. I doubt it's illegal...but, as stated...you run the risk of looking like a dick.

Some moves are left for practice/pick up and drop in.

That's one of them.

I think I orignally posted this back on CB when I saw it the first time.

A bunch of kids (14-16) were doing this one night at open hockey, 10-12 times in one night. Finally I was defending against a one on one and when I saw the kid take his hand off the stick, I knew what was coming. When he threw the glove, I followed the glove as if I was buying the fake. Then I picked up the glove and tossed it over the glass onto the concrete outside the rink.

When the session was over his father came into the locker room and started yelling at me. I waited for him to pause and explained to him that I just taught his kid a lesson and he should be glad that I didn't choose to teach him the lesson by breaking his bare hand with a slash.

As for it being against the rules, a good ref can justify anything and I believe there are a couple of things that could be used against you. I'll double check when I get a chance.

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Is it ok to throw your glove to distract the goalies attention and then shoot on a breakaway/penalty shot? I saw this in a video and it looks like it might work pretty good.

A guy did it one night in pick up. I doubt it's illegal...but, as stated...you run the risk of looking like a dick.

Some moves are left for practice/pick up and drop in.

That's one of them.

I think I orignally posted this back on CB when I saw it the first time.

A bunch of kids (14-16) were doing this one night at open hockey, 10-12 times in one night. Finally I was defending against a one on one and when I saw the kid take his hand off the stick, I knew what was coming. When he threw the glove, I followed the glove as if I was buying the fake. Then I picked up the glove and tossed it over the glass onto the concrete outside the rink.

When the session was over his father came into the locker room and started yelling at me. I waited for him to pause and explained to him that I just taught his kid a lesson and he should be glad that I didn't choose to teach him the lesson by breaking his bare hand with a slash.

As for it being against the rules, a good ref can justify anything and I believe there are a couple of things that could be used against you. I'll double check when I get a chance.

I remember reading that here, I think you posted that in one of the Stickhandling video threads.

As for actually doing that, you really have to draw the line between fun hotdogging and hot-shot hotdogging.

I can only imagine how big of a dolt someone would look if he did that move and failed all while wearing a mirrored visor.

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NHL rules don't specifically state anything about an attacking player throwing items, though there are clearly defined rules about defending players throwing sticks/gear etc.

i'm sure you could be issued an unsportsmanlike conduct if the ref felt like it.

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Instructional videos on scoring moves are staged.

I could understand how that move might seem appealing because of its simplicity but I doubt it would work unless the goalie would start laughing in disbelief at what he was seeing.

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this is a very old move and 9 out of 10 times it doesnt effect the goalie one bit... for wex, you throw the glove straight up in the air hoping the goalie will watch the glove no you. one of the oldest in the book and cheezy... good for goofing off in practice, but you look like a douchebag trying it in a game, especially if you miss!!!

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If you really have no better ideas to score on a goalie than throwing your glove to distract him, then you probably don't have any chance to score no matter what you do...so at least don't make yourself look like a fool as well as a bad hockey player.

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I would think (hope) a ref would call an unsportsmanlike penalty if some chowderhead did that during a game.

Save that stuff for friendly pick-up with your buddies.

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a kid did this like 5 years ago in a roller league that im in. the goalie tookhis glove and launched it backwards, wich got it stuck up high in a rafter. it is possibly the funniest roller moment i have ever seen

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Rent "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" and you'll understand why. Well, you probably won't but at least you'll have seen a good movie.

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NHL rules don't specifically state anything about an attacking player throwing items, though there are clearly defined rules about defending players throwing sticks/gear etc.

i'm sure you could be issued an unsportsmanlike conduct if the ref felt like it.

NHL Rule 53.1 - A player, including the goalkeeper, shall not throw a stick or any other object in any zone.

NHL rules wouldn't really apply to any of us.

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NHL rules wouldn't really apply to any of us.

Hey Hey Hey you might have forgotten we have Ak-27 up in here.

EDIT- But I forgot hes not in the NHL, but was featured on it. Oops.

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