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pro's shiny helmets

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I spent a semester as an assistant to Bowling Green's equipment manager. He had a spray called Knock-Out that he used to shine the helmets. Dull helmets look bad in bright arenas or on TV. No different than sewing holes in uniforms or putting ProToe on skates... it's all about making the team look good.

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I spent a semester as an assistant to Bowling Green's equipment manager. He had a spray called Knock-Out that he used to shine the helmets. Dull helmets look bad in bright arenas or on TV. No different than sewing holes in uniforms or putting ProToe on skates... it's all about making the team look good.

What is Knock-Out originally made for? Wondering what it is made out of...can't find it anywhere.

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I believe they are made for making your equipment not stink like a donkey's behind on a summer afternoon.

Man I hate when my bag starts to smell like that.... :blink:

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I've "shined" my helmet once before. It was for reffing though. Just use pledge spray. I use it to clean my visor and some Jr. refs that I know told me to shine the helmet if needed, with Pledge aswell.

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NOK-Out is surprisingly effective - accidentally got some on my mask once, and it sparkled. Also surprisingly effective for smells, but mainly for prevention rather than erasure of existing funk.

The best thing would probably be Brasso - the preferred reconditioner for the old white plastic iBooks.

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where could you get one of thoes gold helmets you see in some of the european leagues or is just for the leagues?

get out the rattle can and go to town on your bucket :)

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You just can't "flex" a football helmet like a hockey helmet.

don't say that, when you are suppose to pull the sides of the helmet in order to get it on.

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Why does this matter? If the helmet is old it will be replaced with a a new shiny helmet. If the player prefers to use the same helmet year after year like the CCM Stevie Y. use to sport, then I am sure it is just cleaned. Either way it should not impact our lives.

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where could you get one of thoes gold helmets you see in some of the european leagues or is just for the leagues?

I know that here in Norway the winners of the series (equivalent to the President's Troffy) recieve a gold helmet. I don't know if or where you can purchase them on your own.

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Some European leagues do have shiny helmets...but those are given to the leading scorer I believe. Joe Thornton had one that had flames on it, it was pretty sick.

thats when he played in the swiss league, the top scorer from each team wheres the helmet and jersey that says top scorer on it.

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