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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXXX stick?

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i think in the future all major stick companies will combine... i can see it now.

Come buy the new NikeBauerWarriorEastonTPS ResponsiveStealth-omiteXXXXX

with the new technology its only 7g's (price and weight)

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so is this stick goin to be an 07 product? I mean out to the public.

Good question. It wasn't in the '07 catalogue, so I'm assuming not. This is the first I've heard of it.

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That is a good looking stick. With any hope, it has the same grip as the xxx lite.

Just wondering, is this going to replace the xxx lite? They have all their bases covered as far as having a light stick, shooter stick etc.

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That is a good looking stick. With any hope, it has the same grip as the xxx lite.

Just wondering, is this going to replace the xxx lite? They have all their bases covered as far as having a light stick, shooter stick etc.

Yes, replacing the XXX Lite.

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That is a good looking stick. With any hope, it has the same grip as the xxx lite.

Just wondering, is this going to replace the xxx lite? They have all their bases covered as far as having a light stick, shooter stick etc.

Yes, replacing the XXX Lite.

Yea, I figured that something was going on when my lhs had them on closeout.

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The stick is in the 07 catalogue. Looks like they made a decision to go with another stick. Dumb move - no need to clear out that stick at a sale price.

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When you guys talk up the Vapor line out loud, what do you say when it comes to the X's? In my mind, I say "The Triple X" or "the Ex Eye Vee (XIV)" etc. etc.

So on that note, I am calling this new twig, the 40. :lol:

Make that "fo'tay".

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I can't wait for the XXXX-LITE:)

On a serious note, you could also look at the 4 X's as being just a XXX going along with the "ten" times faster they're going with on the XXXX skates.

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So if this stick is replacing that XXX lite in like 8 months, why is NBH going to the trouble of setting up these 10 (or whatever the number is) computers to customize your XXX lite? Seems kind of dumb to me? Maybe I'm just not a business man.

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I can't wait for the XXXX-LITE:)

On a serious note, you could also look at the 4 X's as being just a XXX going along with the "ten" times faster they're going with on the XXXX skates.

So we are to call this the "Vapor 300"?

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what do you mean computers to customize xxxlites i thought it was in store only or am i not getting the point?

i think that the xxxx looks pretty good i like the red/black/white color scheme

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about 10 stores in ?canada? had computer kiosks setup where you could design a custom stick (flex, name, curve)

sweetblazer made the argument that nbh made a mistake in setting up those computers to customize xxx lites since they are being discontinued

i made the argument that those computers can just be changed to customize xxxx's

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vapor XXXX helmet... NO! Vapor XXXX jock!

I'll take three!

So now this begs the question, whens the vapor XXXXX coming out? Should I wait for the XXXXXs or buy the XXXXs?

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Vapor XXXX jock!

LOL. actually, a Vapor XXX jock has so much marketing potential. They shoulda done it. I'd buy one if it had XXX across my ass HAHAHA... the comedy supply is endless

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