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Vapor XXXX stick?

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do you know any of the websites

i hope they do make a vapor 40 glove

You're not understanding lol The computers are physically in the stores. You go INTO the stores, and IN the store there is a computer. THe computer has a program that customizes the stick to your preferences, this PROGRAM then sends the preferences to NBH who make you the stick and send it back to the store. To my knowledge there is no site you can do it on, and that is why its in the store.

On a side note that would be pretty sick if you could customize the XXXX right when it comes out.

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^^what are we supposed to be looking at in that picture?

Blake's stick? thats a vapor XXX.

Canes play in Toronto tonight, so hopefully there will be more pics.

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nope, pretty sure its three. its the vapor xxx lite with blue x's.

at any rate it doesnt even follow the graphics pattern established on Cole's stick.

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That's definitely a Vapor XXX Lite in Blake's hands.

with four X's though.

Not if you look close enough. It does appear to be 4 X's, but there are only three.

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I think the change in the shaft's color (white-to-black) creates the "illusion" of the fourth 'X' (in this particular shot); ultimately, though, it's the same stick that's being used by countless other players, from the Show to your local beer league.

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I can confirm somebody had one tonight on the canes. It was just a quick pan of gloves across the bench, but I did see it. I'm not sure who it was though.

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Definetly 3x's on Blakes stick but it doesnt look as if the X's are connected. Anyways, i've been poking in and out of this thread for the last couple days, and this stick looks very nice. The design is kinda throwing me off a little bit, but everything seems to grow on me the more I see it. (especially from NBH)

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i think in the future all major stick companies will combine... i can see it now.

Come buy the new NikeBauerWarriorEastonTPS ResponsiveStealth-omiteXXXXX

with the new technology its only 7g's (price and weight)

you forgot RBK...lol

but does anyone know any slight idea on release date and/or price?

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November/December 2007, price- ?


I must've skipped a page because i went back and i saw a holiday release date so...my bad.

How about guesses on price.

Will it = the Kronik and the 9k or stay at the 179-200USD range?

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I guess the other question I would have, and yes I know no one knows the answer most likely...

Is the color scheme going to be black and red, or is this "prototype" 40 in these colors specifically for Cole to test out?

DId they make it black and red for cole so it would be less conspicuous and blend in with the uniform, so if he tests it out and thinks it needs modifications or whatever, as few people as possible will notice?

If they were really concerned about it, wouldn't they (NBH that is) just paint it like a XXX and we would never know a prototype was out? Quite frankly, after typing this out, I am sick of all this "what is painted as what" non-sense.

And lastly, why Cole? Is he NBH's premier player to get their products out there? 71st in scoring, team fighting for playoff spot. Does NBH not have anyone more visible to get people frothing at the mouths for the new 40?

OK, my one question spun off into a few.

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Oh, I know your answer.

If Cole is using it with a XXXX paint job, it is NOT a prototype. Prototypes are usually painted like the previous year's stick - so that it flies under the radar.

Remember the Vapor XXXX skates are silver/red.

They WANT people to notice. Playoffs start in a few weeks. They did the exact same thing last year with the ONE90. Gagne started to use it a few days before the playoffs. It is part of their stick marketing campaign - get exposure in the playoffs and release the stick for retail around late November.

The guys they launch sticks with usually aren't the biggest stars. Deron Quint deflowered the SyNergy. I mean, really.

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another pic, still haven't found a really good one of the stick yet.

I'll bring my camera to the practice rink tomorrow when i get my skates sharpened, hopefully some will be there.

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