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Breakaway Moves

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Hey I was just wondering what you guys do when you are on a breakaway or have a penalty shot. Ive been noticing my moves arent really working as well anymore so I was wondering what I should do to deke the goalie. Any suggestions?

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My favorite move isnt really a move at all. Maybe a little deke to the right and shoot far post on the ice. My other one I like to do is snap it five-hole.

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I am still working on the move jagr did when he pulls the puck and stick between his legs and puts the puck top shelf.

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Yeah, I go for the pull it all the way to one side, usually left since I shoot left, and put it top shelf inside the far post. Sometimes to switch it up I will go right and go backhand. Nothing to fancy. I just always try to remember to go top shelf with it so the goalie has as little chance to get to it as possible.

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I usually use the same setup, it gives me a couple of options. All directions are for a RH player, adjust as needed.

I come in slightly from the right wing and angle to the net. Watch the goalie to see if he has his angle right, you may be able to sneak on in short side or far side if his angle is off. If he backs up to the post and I get close I go hard to my backhand and cut across the net. If he's slow coming off the post I try to go far side high on teh backhand. If he opens his legs when he moves across, I go 5 hole. If he has his stick covering his 5 hole and is low to the ice, I stop and try to go back to the short side post.

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Back him up as far as he'll go and drop it off the bar over glove shoulder.

If I have a bit of an angle, I'll Datsyuk to the backhand, but cut hard back to forehand, cause all goalies are expecting every jackass to try it now.

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my favorite move is shoot where the goalie isnt, releasing it as fast as you can without breaking stride with very little stickhandling. Watch sakic to see what im talking about, its money. If the goalie is out however, simple forehand-backhand or backhand forehand moves work, especially when you slip it 5 hole as the tender is sliding with you. I have a ton of stupid fancy moves in my arsenal, but they rarely come out during games.

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i have been trying a new move for me atleast where i toe drag, but at half way across the crease i put it low from the side i came. it only works if you broadcast you are going to toe dragt though.

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I don't have a whole lot of moves, though giving the goalie a different look each time on a break keeps him guessing (I also don't go in on the break that often). Sometimes I'll delay for as long as I can, other times I'll just shoot early. Sometimes I'll glide in, others I'll keep the legs moving. Or I'll change my cadence part way through the break (skating/gliding/skating). Most of the time I don't even know what I'm going to do until it happens so the element of surprise helps me somewhat. How I go in on net depends on where I am on the ice at the time too.

Recently I snapped one top-shelf from about 3' out on a butterfly goalie on his glove side (my right side) over his shoulder as I was skating in towards the right post. He went down early and was hugging the post, and gave me just enough space between his head and the post where he couldn't reach above his shoulder in time. Another time I skated towards the net with the puck on my right side (I shoot RH) lined up between the posts. Like Mario, I snapped one right/glove side over the shoulder as I got in close enough. Then this other time, at hockey camp... I glided in cradling the puck to my right-hand side and not making any moves, waited a split second and just let one fly under the crossbar blocker/left side. And drive across the net L to R, wait for the goalie to open up, go 5-hole as he does, or high glove if he over-extends himself.

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I do one of two things. Fake forehand, drag back hand and roof it. Or skate in on the right side (I'm LH), at around the faceoff dot, start skating more towards the net to get the goalie moving a little left to right, then shoot stick side, either under the stick or above the stick/under the arm.

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Sickest trick in the bag, Im RH, comming down the right side cut strong to the front of the net from from about a 45 degree angle, your right in front of the goalie but facing the boards closer to the far side, in one motion toe drag it back to the short side and roof it upstairs. Smooth as hell, looks effortless when done right and makes the goalie look like a mega-sieve. I think Dougy Weight pulled it of a few years ago.

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heres a pretty easy one: NOTE: (im right handed) at about the hash marks i dip my left shoulder (top hand) down and head fake like im going left, freezes the goalie and snap it upstairs on the right side..... jsut make the shoulder dip hard and quick to make the goalie think thats what ur going to do. (do the oposite for leftys)

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i like the kovalev move, come in and fake to the backhand and go forehand into a wide open net

This is a move that I use a lot on breakaways. It really works well especially if you can hit the top shelf on your shot.

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hmm, I find nothing wrong with a move like that. And I don't like hotdog plays too much. No batting it up with the stick, kicking it w/ the skates, etc.

No the move was awesome, no doubt about it. I'm talking about his antics *after* the goal...

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Whatever deke or fake you make, it has to be convincing. Otherwise the goalie just anticipates your move and compensates. Really throw your head and upper body in the direction you want him to think you are going while sending the puck to that side, then quickly snap back the puck and go the other way. You will know you have it down when you are shooting on an open 1/2 net with the goalie 6 feet away looking foolish.

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