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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This thread needs more pics, so I'll contribute a few of mine.

Most recent, h2o quote "one life one chance", done by Civ (of the Gorilla Biscuits) at Lotus tattoo


"Lucky" on the top/outside of my skinny calf, done by Jay Cavna at Lotus Tattoo. Bottom half of my legs will eventually be covered in traditional style pieces with traditional filler mixed with random little things.


"Poison Free" Marge, done by Miss D'Jo at Lark Tattoo. It's a take on the old Sailor Jerry "Poison Girl".


Blin-koi, done by Miss D'Jo as well. Again a Simpson's take on a classic tattoo design. This pic was before my arm was fully finished and it appeared in a magazine a few years back as part of a feature on Miss D'Jo.


Skull & crossbones are cool but a skull w/ hockey sticks is better... oh and a gold toof doesn't hurt either (which my artist said she wanted to do so I had no choice :lol: ), done by Miss D'Jo, pic taken before full arm was done and it now has 3 small cars from my shoulder surgery. Miss D'Jo was actually born and raised in Montreal and moved down here to NY just a few years before I met her, she grew up playing hockey and is a huge fan so she was psyched when we discussed this idea.


Chest done by Jay Cavna at Lotus Tattoo (now owns a shop called Sanctity Tattoo in Arizona), it's a historical/treasure style map of Long Island w/ points of interest. Wantagh is where I grew up and lived for 26 years so "home is where the heart is" even though i don't live there anymore.


Well I have a lot more, including a full oriental sleeve (without Simspon's references) on the other arm, but I don't have pics handy. There's also more to come in the future, I have an appointment w/ Miss D'Jo on the 17th that I've been waiting for since June to add another Simpsons themed piece to finish my right arm completely.

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Love the simpsons themed tattoos, very original. On a body mod related note I recently popped some 00g size tunnels in my ears. Just ordered some silicon ones for hockey and work because metal in my ears doesnt agree with the winnipeg weather.


Sorry for my greasy beard, its my days off so I refuse to look presentable.

I wasn't able to get my full sleeve this dec, so instead I got a mario 1up mushroom on my lower leg sort of as a little tribute to my video game lovin' recently passed cousin. What started as a small one is now turning into a full mario themed leg piece to bring out my inner nerd. Will get pictures as soon as its complete, I REALLY like this one.

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those simpsons tats are indeed original.. which i find cool. dont let anybody hate on them though, if they do just be like, is it your arm? yea thats what i thought. I think getting a tat because you like it is all that matters.

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bdj, i got up to 1/2 inch a one point, winter was brutal becasue it would always freeze up, and i HATED the whisteling. matt throw up some pics if you ended up getting yours done today. xstartxtodayx your work looks great, its all impressive. im looking forward to seeing the rest of your work.

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I`m considering taking mine out for normal rings again. My ears REALLY dont like the cold and im out 40+ hours a week riding outside rail cars, really not fun. When I was at 0g they whistled but i find now they dont, but they really smell after about half a day.

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once your ear is accustomed to being streched it will stop the smelling, or atleast bring it down significantly. They smell becasue the skin is going through trama, and the white bloodcells in your body try to heal the wound and thats what makes that lovely smell.

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bdj, i got up to 1/2 inch a one point, winter was brutal becasue it would always freeze up, and i HATED the whisteling. matt throw up some pics if you ended up getting yours done today. xstartxtodayx your work looks great, its all impressive. im looking forward to seeing the rest of your work.

I did get it Monday night. I was going to wait 'til it was totally healed...but it looks pretty good today...so I'll throw some pics up when I get home.


I'm looking forward to the redness going away so I can see what it "really" looks like....black & gray

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I think the most confusing thing about tattoos are the mixed messages about healing:

I know a guy who religiously leaves the bandages on for 24 hours from the time he leaves the chair...then lets it dry out for 2 days and moisturizes (vit. E/lubriderm) daily after that.

The guy who did my Dad's told him to go home and shower right away and start moisturizing it...

She told me when I was done...leave the bandages on 'til the morning (which was about 12 hours after the chair) and let it stay dry for a WEEK before I add any moisturizer. A week seems like a long time...but, I guess if every artist has a unique technique/style...they also have unique healing instructions.

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Radiogaga... that looks really good... and I can tell you that it does mean "dragon". Some people get the chinese characters done up, and it completely means something else.

My chinese zodiac sign is a rabbit... not exactly the most majestic creature around, but I think I come up with some pretty good designs.

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Radiogaga... that looks really good... and I can tell you that it does mean "dragon". Some people get the chinese characters done up, and it completely means something else.

My chinese zodiac sign is a rabbit... not exactly the most majestic creature around, but I think I come up with some pretty good designs.


I went into a convenience store with the original tattoo (just the symbol) exposed...and the Chinese man behind the counter points...and says "you know what that means...?" I said "I HOPE it means Dragon"...he flexes a bit and goes "ah yes...you are the dragon..."

I think he was making fun of me...*L*

I work with a Japanese woman...she looked a the symbol originally and said..."why do you have 'chopstick' on your arm? Then she laughed...and said she didn't speak Chinese.

It's amazing how 'old' the first one looks now.

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matt- i would advise against any healing method but the method where you take the bandage off when you get home, wash it out with dial, and then start moisturizing. What I usually do is get home, wash it in the shower with dial, and put a generous amount of lubiderm on the first day until i go to bed, when I go to bed I put a and d on becasue it doesnt soak in as quickly as lubiderm. as soon as I wake up the next day I jump in the shower, get it wet and then dial it out agian, pat dry then use lubiderm all day, night number 2 i wll use a and d again before I got to bed and then after that strictly lubiderm. I talked to my tattoo artist whos been tattooing for 15 or 16 years now about healing methods, and the best way he desribed it was think of your arm with all the plasma and skin oils with the vasoline, all covered up and warm. thats a recipie for bacteria and clogged pours that can create pimples which will push out the dye.

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What do you think of tattoos on girls?

Great pick up line atleast.

It all depends on the girl and on the tattoo's ;) some real nice tattoo's on an ugly girl isn't going to make her less ugly, and some horrible tattoo's on an otherwise hot girl is going to kill whatever she had going in the looks department. I prefer some tasteful tattoo's and usually some colorful ones and the girl has to be good looking to begin with... half sleeves are nice as well as some leg work and even a chest piece, tramp stamps and back of neck tattoo's do nothing for me.

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xstartxtodayx I couldn't help but notice the wantagh in the heart on your chest piece...you from wantagh?

I grew up there and lived there for 26 years, moved a little further east now but still have lots of ties to Wantagh. I'm an original Baymen alumni ;)

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Not gunna go off topic here but check your PM's xstartxtodayx.

Now to get back on topic I think girls with tattoos on the ribcage depending on what it is drives me crazy. I hate stupid meaningless tattoos like the girl I met who got "nutshelf" tattooed on the inside of her bottom lip. I have to admit though it did make me chuckle.

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I have an appointment coming up this Sunday that I'm pretty excited about, I made it back in the spring/summer so I could finally finish the sleeve on my right arm. I'll be getting a suicide Homer down on my inner forearm/wrist, it'll be like a suicide king (king of hearts) but it will be Homer Simpson dressed as a king and instead of a knife in his head he'll have his head tilted to the side and have a blue crayon in his nose (Simpsons fans will understand the crayon reference). I had some other Simpson's ideas but this was the one that will work the best with my arm... the other ideas included a dagger through a pink frosted donut with a banner that read "for those I love I will sacrifice", or a "love thy neighbor"piece w/ Ned Flanders, but I have 2 banners on that arm already with words so I thought I'd go w/ something simpler (a heart safety pinned on my elbow that says "heart means everything", and my "poison free" high school Marge which was posted a page or so back).

I'll make sure to post some pics when it's all done.

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I went into a convenience store with the original tattoo (just the symbol) exposed...and the Chinese man behind the counter points...and says "you know what that means...?" I said "I HOPE it means Dragon"...he flexes a bit and goes "ah yes...you are the dragon..."

I think he was making fun of me...*L*

I work with a Japanese woman...she looked a the symbol originally and said..."why do you have 'chopstick' on your arm? Then she laughed...and said she didn't speak Chinese.

It's amazing how 'old' the first one looks now.

You will be surprised at how many of my Caucasian friends who said, "look at my new tattoo! It means 'this and this' in Chinese!" And I go, "hum... Not to burst your bubble but..."

My advice for someone getting a Chinese character: don't just trust the guy at the tattoo parlor, get someone who knows Chinese...

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Love the 3 eyed koi... that's amazing.

I miss my plugs, I was also up to about 1/2 inch at one point.... with the wedding and all, they were taken out over 2 years ago. I might start stretching again after...

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Love the 3 eyed koi... that's amazing.

Thanks. Here's my latest, done yesterday by Miss D'Jo @ Lark Tattoo here on LI. It's my "Suicide Homer", pic was taken just after I removed the bandage and washed it so it's pretty swollen.


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