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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reading the stuff and attitudes of some of the guys on there was getting comical. Probably a good move for Gongshow.

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yeah it mentions that in the statement, seems the guys in charge didn't know what they had their brand associated with.

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They have refugee boards up and are working on a new one which I can only assume will be PG and under Canada's collective microscope. Pretty wussy way to dodge responsibility but they had to do it for the sake of their business.

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In moderation talking bout chew is like talking bout drinking, but some of the guys were just doing whatever to see T&A, think they needed to get out more!!!

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That site was just freaking retarded... I couldn't stomach more than a couple visits there. Not because I was offended.. but because it was just sad. It was like a palsy lord of the flies.

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The only good stuff was the hockey related carves. All of the gross sexual references were stupid and had nothing to do with the game, not to mention those guys probably haven't pulled off 95% of them. Tony Danza my ass.

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That site was just freaking retarded... I couldn't stomach more than a couple visits there. Not because I was offended.. but because it was just sad. It was like a palsy lord of the flies.

I'm with you on this one.

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I also agree. Parts of the hockey-related stuff were funny but I tend to think most of those guys were posers who either: A) were terrible at hockey and B) were still virgins or C) answers A & B....It's like 40 yr old dorks still playing Dungeons and Dragons (no offense to any who is :blink: )

I'm sure most of us have grown up in hockey lockerrooms and have heard thousands of interesting true stories that we don't need to post. I'm all for free speech but that was pretty much BS trash anyway.

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most of the site isn't even about stories. there may be a few stories but most of the posts are guys saying "wow, that was mint" or "great story" or "that story sucked"

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i miss it. i mean, grocery stick was my prime insult, and now it's gone. I bet someone has done the tony danza cavs, or the canadian dogsled. I knew the bible almost off by heart, Sad yes, but it's true, it was very offensive

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Its Junior hockey. People need to remember boys from 15-20 have two things on their minds. The rink combines both, one through physical and one through verbal.

Igot a big kick out of that website, I never really went to it much, but enjoyed it when i did.

Also I can assure a lot of what is on there was true (when it came from the right sources, mind you).

Ive been around it a lot, young girls in major hockey towns(amateur and pros) fall at my friends feet. Some stories are legendary.

Its sad and degrading, but it will never cease.

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