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Batman: The Dark Knight

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I got the email and put in my coordinates, but on the link it sent me all there's only a little flashing square on the picture that I can't click on. Pretty cool idea.

Edit: nevermind I guess what's flashing is just the part of the picture that my coordinates revealed.

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What you did is removed a pixel of the first pic (Harvey Dent ad being defaced) and revealing a picture underneath that looks to be the Joker. Keep checking back and you'll see more of what's under there.

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Maybe it went to your spam folder, if you have a web email address? You have five mins. to put it in as well as the email was this:


to me

I always say, you never know what a man is truly made of until you peel the skin off his face one piece at a time. Here is your chance to help:


X = 76

Y = 190

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Well here's what it's going to end up looking like. Dark and crude, matching the feel of the new series. I like it.


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Dark and crude, matching the feel of the new series. I like it.

I saw Spiderman 3 today and I wish it was darker and cruder. I was disappointed because I felt it was too cartoony.

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i never got the email after i did the code and stuff....reason y?

I didn't get an email either checked both my reular folder and junk email, maybe its a hotmail thing <_<

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I just checked the one with the Joker but when I go there it said that Page was not found but I highlighted the rest of the page and it had "Ha Ha" all over it

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I take it you didn't see "Batman Begins" because yes, they're doing a "reboot" of the Batman franchise. After one movie I would say they've trumped the previous line of movies.

I just checked the one with the Joker but when I go there it said that Page was not found but I highlighted the rest of the page and it had "Ha Ha" all over it

Yeah, it was just up for a while after the Joker is revealed.

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Well if you paste all the letters and take out the laughter, you get "s e e Y O u I n D E C e M b E R"

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apparently this batman series is going to be completely different to the older series. Much darker and from a much different perspective

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I take it you didn't see "Batman Begins" because yes, they're doing a "reboot" of the Batman franchise. After one movie I would say they've trumped the previous line of movies.

I did see batman begins but i thought it was just a prequel to the other 5, my bad.

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No not a problem, I just thought you may not have seen it. It's no prequel as it's just a new franchise in its own right. It's going to be true to the 'good' comic qualities of Batman.

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I must be missing a flash plug in or somethign...when I went to the address...I saw the Harvey Dent poster, but no instructions...or hot spots on it...it just loaded the image and that was it.

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Which link, Radio? The first one I listed is Harvey Dent's site with his campaign add. The second one I added was a pic of that campaign add being defaced, which slowly turns/ed to a picture of the Joker that I posted. A real pic, not the really gay fake that someone else just posted a link to.

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