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Batman: The Dark Knight

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They've been showing the Dark Knight trailer on HDnets "Nothing but Trailers" for a couple of weeks now.

After seeing batman begins, it became my favorite "superhero" movie instantly, and have been looking forward to this for a long time.

Ledger as the joker in this looks great, nothing like nicholson at all. All smeared makeup.

Couple of lines from the trailer "when we found him he had nothing but knives and lint in his pockets"

"HIT ME!!!!"

I can't wait

"Nothing but trailers" is a great little program. On wednesday nights. They get the early screening trailers.

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I remember being bored at work one day and making Joker dollars. That's the extent of any marketing I'll buy into after the initial things that came out last year.

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Oh my lord is the new trailer awesome.

Is it the one with the Joker leaning out the window of the car, through the streets, firing the bazooka and such?

Also, the bike is a sweet piece of work.

If thats the same trailer, then yes, it is awesome

Here is the trailer. This is the same one they've been showing on HD net.

I can't see it enough. I'm giddy for July to get here already


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I'm going to see Iron Man this weekend and I heard the Dark Night trailer is showing. If it is I can't wait to see it on the big screen.

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Oh my lord is the new trailer awesome.


I was excited to see some Harvey Dent in the trailer. And I think i pop one every time i hear the Joker speak. Can't wait to see it on the DLP screen when i see Ironman tomorrow.

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I've never been big into the Batman series but holy hell does that trailer make me want to see this.

If you haven't seen batman begins, get it first.

As I said earlier, it immediately replaced superman/superman 2 as my favorite superhero movie.

Fantastic movie

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Smoke, I did happen to see Batman Begins, I thought it was a solid movie I've just never been big into comics/comic movies but this one might change my mind.

I also kind of have an itch to see Iron Man.

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This will be the definitive Joker and if there were plans to have the Joker in more movies, to me they could slap Joseph Gordon-Levitt in under the paint and go that way. "Here's my card" is such a simple and great part of the trailer.

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I've no idea what's up with CGI as I was just looking at a picture from the Indy trailer and one scene has different-shaped explosions in each trailer.

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