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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Batman: The Dark Knight

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  mack said:




Liking the Batsuit less and less; Joker more and more.

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i agree with you on the batsuit mack. I personally think that they should have stuck with the plain black suit with the yellow logo on the chest. Classic IMO

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Me too but sadly I doubt we get to a "classic" suit in this series. I like the idea of the suit naturally evolving from the first movie, but this looks all kinds of busy and Robocop-y. At least his head will be able to move unlike all the other suits used in the movies, plus it'll be too dark to see the goofy parts of it.


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i was actually going to say that they should have made that costume all black not black/grey. It kinda looks like a batsuit with spiderman mesh under.

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I would have hoped for darker too but it does look militaristic and something he would have been able to patch together from his company.


Joker 3 - Batman 0

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*Spoiler Pic*

Looking good. Caught the bootleg trailer before it got yanked and for a crappy bootleg it's unreal how much I want to see this now. I presume it's attached to I Am Legend and I was seeing that tomorrow anyway, so hope-hope.

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  mack said:

I presume it's attached to I Am Legend and I was seeing that tomorrow anyway, so hope-hope.

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In the movie there is a poster for Batman vs. Superman with a 2010 release date printed on it in Times Square.


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Possibly. Bale (and I think Nolan) signed a 3-picture deal and one of the films was to be a "collaboration." Some anticipated this to be the Batman v. Superman but then maybe the JLA movie. Bale and Nolan have shot down the JLA talks so I'm thinking Batman v. Superman is going to happen.

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The trailer was before I Am Legend and it looked awesome. The Joker is going to be incredible, it really seemed like he carried the whole trailer.

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Cool bootleg. I hope the movie is as dark as the tidbits we're seeing.

....Shit, Bills lost and Miami won. Never though I could hate Brian Billick more.

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I thought it might be, I'm excited to see it. The Joker's voice seems weird (like it's not Heath Ledger) in the clip, but I think it just may be the way it was recorded. It'll be interesting to see a better clip of it. I can't believe the release is so far away. I'm just hoping (and expecting) it doesn't flop like Spiderman 3.

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You're right about the voice because I've seen Ledger in a few movies and that's nothing like I've heard him use again. It's seemingly a little nod to the Nicholson Joker and that may not be a bad idea in that sense. I like the laugh too as it adds to the overall creepiness he's coming off with.

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