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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gas prices

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I may get flamed.. but I wish gas prices would go higher. We need to change our habits and since I'm not one of those lefty "freedom as long as I agree" types, I'm glad it's the market thats causing the shift in peoples opinions and consumption habits instead of government and sheryl crowe.

The problem with your "man I wish gas prices would go higher" theory, is that as gas prices (both gasoline and diesel) increase, the cost of all goods increases. You have to ship everything that is made and exported and imported by truck or boat or some form of petroleum powered vehicle. So instead of paying $2 for a 6 pack of tube socks, you end up having to pay $2.25 to cover the additional cost of shipping.

Also it also cost more to transport the coal to the power plant that provides energy for your ice rink, so you have to pay more for ice time.

It's a big snowballing effect.

When that happens, you start to drive the country into a recession. People can't afford to do anything other than drive to and from work just to pay for the transportation to and from work.

At a 200-mile glance you're right, it will bring people around to changing habits, but it will hurt the economy in the long run.

Gas is $3.38 a gallon in Peoria, IL

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$3.05-$3.09 around here

where abouts is Oranjestad? sounds Dutch.

I'm in PA, though I would prefer to be back in Aruba.

cool, are you originally from there?

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No matter how expensive Maine ever gets, it's always cheaper than New Brunswick. Most people here, jump the border and fuel up over there.

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$3.05-$3.09 around here

where abouts is Oranjestad? sounds Dutch.

I'm in PA, though I would prefer to be back in Aruba.

cool, are you originally from there?

no, I never would have left. Just the most enjoyable place that I've spent time. I was hoping the Detroit show fell through so I could spend my vacation back down there.

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About 1.19 a liter in central Alberta which would be about 4.50 a gallon Canadian or 4.14 American.

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$3.15 per gallon today in the St. Louis area.

Filled up last night for $2.42 per gallon...should have been $3.42 but the pump displayed a dollar less for premium...I never get premium...but I did last night!

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I drove from Quebec City to Connecticut today and had to fill up there for about $1.16 a liter, then again in Massachusetts for $3.07 a gallon. I just about shit myself when I finished filling up and got the total.

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I don't get it... I paid $1.99 at one point in February now its pushing $4.00... its mind baffaling.

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i saw a bumper sticker the other day that read "a gallon of gas costs more than a gallon of beer. drink don't drive."

i think thier math was a little off, but, you get the point.

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Gas always goes down after memorial day, then back up a bit for July 4th, then back down, back up again for labor day and finally down after that, just in time for home heating oil to go up in the fall for the northeast US.

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Best saying I've heard about the gas prices:

I filled up my tank and doubled my car's value.

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About 1.19 a liter in central Alberta which would be about 4.50 a gallon Canadian or 4.14 American.

You are right, i made the liter/gallon coversion but i totally forgot the USD/CND $ conversion! :o

So it's confirmed, Canadians have it worse but according to pg-1000's first post ever, it would be around 9$/gallon in the UK? Sounds exagerated, i hope this ain't true.

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I'm now playining a little game. I am not letting my tank get under a half a tank so I wont see how much it cost me to fill it.

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Has anyone here ever read "The Long Emergency" by James Howard Kunstler? He writes about the end of cheap fossil fuels and its implications for the way of life (mostly in the U.S.). It's an unnerving book to read, one of those you don't want to read (because it's mostly bad news) but keep coming back to find out "just how screwed am I after all?"

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Has anyone here ever read "The Long Emergency" by James Howard Kunstler? He writes about the end of cheap fossil fuels and its implications for the way of life (mostly in the U.S.). It's an unnerving book to read, one of those you don't want to read (because it's mostly bad news) but keep coming back to find out "just how screwed am I after all?"

i am going to check that book out. Sounds interesting!

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