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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm curious

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Honestly, I couldn't give a shit less about this forum. I would, however, like to know why it is that the mods go ape shit if someone opens a second thread on a topic discussed a year, or more, ago but it doesn't seem to be a problem for mods (at least an individual one) to lanuch ad hom attacks on members and then lock the thread like a spolied child? I used to think that the Eric Cartman type was a humorous invention, it would appear certain MSH mods could give him a run for his money. "Screw you guys, I'm going home." LOL

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When I saw you made a thread called "I'm curious" I have to admit I thought there'd be a story about you eyeballing a caddy at the golf course a little too closely.

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  GSHL99 said:

....but it doesn't seem to be a problem for mods (at least an individual one) to lanuch ad hom attacks on members and then lock the thread like a spolied child?

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You're way out of line here.... mack doesn't have a clue on how to lock a thread.

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I will slap a rear naked choke on a thread faster than you can start playing your Kelly Clarkson CDs.

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He's bitching about me.

Honestly, I couldn't give a shit less about this forum
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Given that statement, I'm not going to bother answering any of your questions. You're a pain in the ass that I can live without.

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I don't want to play devils advocate here but a lot of people do wonder why Mack gets away with the stuff he does. All the other mods when they disagree or don't like something, say something but respectfully. Meanwhile with Mack it's nasty and disrespectful. It seems like he can do and say whatever he feels like and nothing can be held against him. But if a regular member was to say or do what he does, they would be warned or even banned.

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In the 5+ years I've been on here and Corebeam, I can't remember a time when Mack attacked someone unprovoked. If he does say something to someone its either because they're being stupid or they've instigated it. Keep in mind he was a founding member here, so obviously he'll have a lot more freedom than any random person.

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I know he's a founding member here and stuff but those that give him the right to call someone a cunt or any other disrespectful term? I'm sorry but I don't think that's appropriate no matter how long he's been a member.

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  nyhockey6 said:

I don't want to play devils advocate here but a lot of people do wonder why Mack gets away with the stuff he does. All the other mods when they disagree or don't like something, say something but respectfully. Meanwhile with Mack it's nasty and disrespectful. It seems like he can do and say whatever he feels like and nothing can be held against him. But if a regular member was to say or do what he does, they would be warned or even banned.

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Just like you and your favourite boy band, we all bring our different traits to the collective. Without the bad there's no good.

But here I am.

And here sits the law.

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Mack you say some funny shit now and then, but you're a prick... an internet prick. I know you could care less reading this, but it might be better for the board if there wasn't an asshole waltzing around putting down new members.

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I don't put down new members per se, just the idiots. You can take off the "e-prick" spin as well as I'd say this crap if we had some real hangout and heard half of the crap I read on here.

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  mack said:

I don't put down new members per se, just the idiots. You can take off the "e-prick" spin as well as I'd say this crap if we had some real hangout and heard half of the crap I read on here.

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I feel that many members, moderators as well, take this board far too seriously. It's just the Internet.

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yeah mack can be a prick, but so can a lot of people on this board (myself included). Its when mack (or any mod) warns people or suspends because they are being pricks, when he is one of the biggest.

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2 easy solutions.

1. If you don't like someone, don't read their post

2. Find/start another board that doesn't twist your panties

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come on guys, he's just mack. he can do whatever he pleases. mack's comments can get a little annoying but that's how we love mack. this board can get a little boring sometimes and mack's trying to cheer it up. give him a break

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Haha, i vote for mack too, he's what i call entertainment. He also saves evreyones time; instead of being a dozen to bitch on someone, mack will immediatly humiliate this person and make everbody feel like they don't have to add anything, the job is already done.

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Sorry to take the wind out of your sails guys, but here it goes.

Dealing with Mack on several occasions outside of MSH, I can say that he is a nice and genuine person who is not a "web prick". Most of you are playing way out of your league by dealing with him. By the time you've made your move, he's already two or three steps ahead. Face it, for most of us we aren't able to be that dry and quick witted about things.

P.S. Vapor- you tend to annoy me on the most consistent basis. Occasionally, you make up for it, but just occasionally

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  Hidious said:

Haha, i vote for mack too, he's what i call entertainment. He also saves evreyones time; instead of being a dozen to bitch on someone, mack will immediatly humiliate this person and make everbody feel like they don't have to add anything, the job is already done.

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I seriously can't believe some of what you guys are saying, it's like mack had become some sort of idol for people on here. Yeah some of what mack says is funny but the issue was with personal attacks and profane comments. I don't see how him humilating and degrading people by calling them obscene names and stuff can be entertaining like Hidious said. The board was and is meant for sharing information and by what Hidious says about making everyone feel like they don't have anything to add is totally against what the board is about.

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