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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SL Blue and Red

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I searched but couldn't come up with anything useful...

That being said here's the question. What is the exact color that easton uses for these sticks(red and blue)? The paint on my SL grip is flaking off at the bottom, and I want to repaint it with the same exact color, so it doesn't look so horrible. I know some are are gonna say grab your stick take a piece of paint off and go look for something close, but I want the exact color. Any help would be appreciated.

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Who cares if the paint is chipped it shouldnt hurt the preformance of the stick. If you really want to paint it paint it black like the poster before me said. Ive seen many SL's that have been painted black they actually look pretty good.

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I searched but couldn't come up with anything useful...

That being said here's the question. What is the exact color that easton uses for these sticks(red and blue)? The paint on my SL grip is flaking off at the bottom, and I want to repaint it with the same exact color, so it doesn't look so horrible. I know some are are gonna say grab your stick take a piece of paint off and go look for something close, but I want the exact color. Any help would be appreciated.

just scrape off a flake of paint from the stick, and take it to a "paint store". Most specialized store's use to have a machine which can read the color mix..

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Who cares if the paint is chipped it shouldnt hurt the preformance of the stick. If you really want to paint it paint it black like the poster before me said. Ive seen many SL's that have been painted black they actually look pretty good.

No I don't care if the paint is chipped off, I know its not a fasion show, its just one side is perfectly fine, and the other is beat with hardly no paint on it, looks stupid, and i know its not about looks but its just one little pass with the exact color and problem solved. The reason why I don't spray the bottoms black is that when it does start to flake, peel, use, scrape, through time it looks even stupider.

I searched but couldn't come up with anything useful...

That being said here's the question. What is the exact color that easton uses for these sticks(red and blue)? The paint on my SL grip is flaking off at the bottom, and I want to repaint it with the same exact color, so it doesn't look so horrible. I know some are are gonna say grab your stick take a piece of paint off and go look for something close, but I want the exact color. Any help would be appreciated.

just scrape off a flake of paint from the stick, and take it to a "paint store". Most specialized store's use to have a machine which can read the color mix..

Whats kind of store's are considered specialized paint store's? A lot of stores don't make spray cans up here, and when you want a can make your paying 40-50$ a can, so that kind of screws that over but I would pay it if it would guarantee, getting the same color.

What if I would use some paint thinner to take the paint off the whole shaft? Nothing to strong, just enough to get it off, would this cause any damage to the shaft?

I bet "shiny" and/or "metallic" are in its name.

Thanks Mack, I gotta hand it to you, I would have never figured that out without you bud. ;) . haha

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Why do care? w.t.f is the big deal if I take half and hour and drive down to the paint store for them to help me match my hockey sticks paint. How do they know I'm there for my hockey stick? they wont know the difference? My post wasn't on what people think, I just wanna know what color it is?

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Why do care? w.t.f is the big deal if I take half and hour and drive down to the paint store for them to help me match my hockey sticks paint. How do they know I'm there for my hockey stick? they wont know the difference? My post wasn't on what people think, I just wanna know what color it is?

Sorry, but I have to agree with the poster above you. You said it yourself, it isn't a fashion show. You are playing a contact sport. Your stuff is going to chip, break, peel, smell like ass, flare and just about any other word I can think of. Now if your only game on the ice is to show off your SL, then by all means. But when you post up a thread, you are asking for facts and opinions from people who have different views.

My jockstrap smells like dick.. take that to home depot and see what they can do.

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I think best bet is to spray it black. When it chips, spray it black again. I realize you could do this with the color matched paint that you want to get, but I think the effort/money its going to cost to do that will be much more than buying a can of black spray paint for 3 bucks and having the can last 5 times the lifetime of your stick.

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it looks pretty damn good if you just spray it black, plus its wallet friendly. honestly if it was me, i wouldnt really do anything

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I think the obvious answer is amazement that someone was using an SL for so long without breaking it that the paint came off!

What about the Duplicolor metallic reds and blues? They also have that Duplicast anondized looking stuff, that might look good.

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I think the obvious answer is amazement that someone was using an SL for so long without breaking it that the paint came off!

What about the Duplicolor metallic reds and blues? They also have that Duplicast anondized looking stuff, that might look good.

I checked that out today at Canadian Tire and it seemed pretty close, tomorrow after work im gonna head down there with a fleck of paint from my stick and go see if its anything close to the SL red.

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Wow, this is a lot of painstaking trouble for a stick that's probably going to break sooner than later.

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Top ...why dont you just get a metallic red or blue or which ever color sl you got, and spray paint both sides so it doesnt matter if it is exact because youll be painting both sides, so it will look uniform and noone will know the difference unless they spend a night with your stick.<<-- But that would just be wierd so i doubt it will happen..Go for a similar color, and paint both sides.

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The colors are chrome based. You will not be able to duplicate the process with store bought spraypaint. You need airbrushing materials and it takes some time to learn how to do that correctly.

The color here is very similar to that on the Sls.

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