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Video Game Console Question

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Why don't they just make the whole case except the front where you load the disc "open" to allow for maximum airflow? To me, the cooling part of the system if all they're going to use is venting doesn't seem that hard of issue to solve.

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Just got an elite. The shop was out of the middle of the line unit. Got a bonus check and with trade in it only ended up running $70.

Noticed more heat generated from discs and not playing online.

Supposedly the elite has a better track record than the others. Time will tell.

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  D-MaN88 said:

Why don't they just make the whole case except the front where you load the disc "open" to allow for maximum airflow? To me, the cooling part of the system if all they're going to use is venting doesn't seem that hard of issue to solve.

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I think then you run into the problem of getting dust and debris in there, plus the case acts as a bit of a protective shield for the internals when you are moving it around, in case it gets bumped, that sort of thing.

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  sabre09923 said:

Is it me, or does the 360 get REALLY hot even after 30 minutes? I felt the back vent (where the cables are) after ONE game on R6, and it felt incredibly hot.

They definitely need more fans in there, I think.

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All I had to do to heat my room in the winter was play my 360 for a couple of hours with the door closed. I wish I joking, but it does run hot. :) I make sure and give it plenty of open space to vent.

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Well i googeled yesterday "xbox 360s freezing" and i got a thing from Microsoft.com. i clicked it and my 360 might have sufficient ari flow so it over heats. Im gonna go move it and find out.

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Did anyone who has lost a 360 use one of those 3rd party intercooling products? Did most people's machines die while playing or when it was being turned on?

The weird thing is my machine hadn't been on for 5 days and when I turned it on it was dead right away.

Anyone try this towel trick to revive it? I might since my shipping box won't be here for a couple of days.


HOLY CRAP IT WORKED. I can start up my machine again. I did exactly what the guy said in the video. Leave it wrapped in towels and turned on for 25 min, turn it off and let it cool for 20 and then plug it back in. Works. Amazing. I'm still going to mail mine in so I don't have to keep doing this but if it happens again I know how to fix it.

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My brother's went out during games. First started with Splinter Cell, but we found out that was the 360 scratching the disc. Soon after that it went out playing and then never started up again.

Not to discredit that "repair" to get it running but I'd rather just send it in on Microsoft's dime and have them fix it. Sooner or later they'll make something stable.

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  mack said:

Not to discredit that "repair" to get it running but I'd rather just send it in on Microsoft's dime and have them fix it. Sooner or later they'll make something stable.

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They just have to figure out how to make a service pack for hardware.

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Another fix for the 360's disc scratching problem would be to make sure the console is horizontal due to the fact Microsoft never put vertical stabilizers in the disc drive.

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  rollerskater92 said:

becareful with the intercooling products because my friends got melted into the 360 and couldn't take it out and it cancelled the warranty.

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I've done some research the past couple days since I'm looking into an intercooler when I get my box back. The old Nyko intercooler did have some issues related to their loose plug in connections causing a short, but there is a review on IGN of the new EX version which they say works much much better. I'm probably going to get one of these since it's only $20 and if it lengthens the life of my box it's well worth it.

You are right though, if MS knew you attached an intercooler it will void your warranty, but unless it melts to the machine they'll never have a way of finding out.

Nyko Intercooler EX review on IGN

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  Cheesehead said:

It just happened again when i was playing rainbow six. We had an insane comeback goin and it just froze. I checked the disc and there is no visible scratches. i think it is the xbox :(

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This might not be the problem, but check your Clock on the system. Apparently if it is incorrect it could cause the system to freeze. I was running into the freezing problem and found this fix on the net. Tried it and it hasn't froze since.

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The only thing I dislike about it is the slightly cartoony graphics, but it is absolutely awesome in all other respects. The atmosphere and little touches to the presentation all make for one hell of a great game.

Of course, it still stands that it could be littered with bugs, but if that doesn't happen, GOTY candidate for sure. Irrational (I mean 2K Boston) has never made a bad game, and that's not changing.

Now... For Mass Effect :)

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  Cavs019 said:

Bioshock demo is arguably one of the coolest gaming experiences in a while, that game is going to be off the charts.

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I downloaded it last night. Can't wait to get home to see what it's all about. I've gone all summer without buying a game, so I hope this one will be the start of my fall release buying madness.

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