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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Playing better hockey, is it in your head, or in your hands

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This might sounds stupid. In fact, it's probably stupid. But, I am doing the long term review on the price point entry from Ballistik.

I have used it twice so far, and have 2 more games this weekend.

I play in an adult beginner league here in DC.

Basically, in the 2 games I have played since getting this, I have played what I feel are the strongest games since I started playing. Now, last friday we lost and I was pointless, but I felt like I played a really good game. In fact, most of the team felt, but for a few bounces, it was our game in the making, even one of the guys on the other team said it was as close a game as they played all season.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not tearing up the league, setting the place on fire, but I just feel like my play is better, I was in front of the net, picking up the rebounds (I'm big, so when we get down close, I will often change out with the center and pitch myself in front of the goal and try to screen, he is a better skater, so will handle the corners better)

I was blocking out the points, making pokechecks etc. Again, not worldbeating play, but for me, it was as complete a game as I have played.

This weekend should be a better test, we have the toughest team in our league tomorrow night, and on sunday our charity game, which has a grab bag of skill, from A league right down to D league.

Anyway, can the feel of a new stick, or gloves or whatever it is, make that much of a difference to your play, or is it mainly in your head?

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look better= feel better. feel better= play better. play better=win :P

probably just phscolgical . its probably not the gear your just getting better all together

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could a bit from column A and a bit from column B. If you equipment isn't comfortable such as pants, helmet, gloves I could understand how it would throw you off stride. You may focus on the discomfort instead of playing.

However, adding something new which may just be cosmetic can make you feel better about yourself. As Thorpedo said, feeling better about yourself can boost confidence and allow you to play better.

It's like going out and meeting a girl while you're well dressed opposed to meeting a girl while you look like a slob.

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could a bit from column A and a bit from column B. If you equipment isn't comfortable such as pants, helmet, gloves I couldn't understand how it would throw you off stride. You may focus on the discomfort instead of playing.

However, adding something new which may just be cosmetic can make you feel better about yourself. As Thorpedo said, feeling better about yourself can boost confidence and allow you to play better.

It's like going out and meeting a girl while you're well dressed opposed to meeting a girl while you look like a slob.

duss my analogy about getting top end products like skates, allot of the game is mental, now only mental won't get you to the pros but it's part of it...

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Smokey, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what's pushing you to play better- it's that your play is improving and will continue to improve.

That said, there IS something about using a new piece of gear that seems to give me an extra jump in my step or add a bit more on my shot.

the stick will only get you started, however. When you gain confidence from that boost, it's no longer the boost from new gear that keeps you playing well, it's that newfound confidence. Keep it up.

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When I get a new piece of equipment, there is a little extra jump from the excitement of it. I think it can boost your confidence which is a big part of playing well. Playing more and working hard is the biggest part of improving, but gaining confidence from a new piece of gear can help your game. Good to hear that your playing well.

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When I get a new piece of equipment, there is a little extra jump from the excitement of it. I think it can boost your confidence which is a big part of playing well. Playing more and working hard is the biggest part of improving, but gaining confidence from a new piece of gear can help your game. Good to hear that your playing well.

I'm the same way when I'm wearing/using something new. IF only I could afford to replace something every week *L*

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Interesting read.

As what most of members have mentioned, I also believe it's phycological matter.

New sticks = get attention = feel better = confidence

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Didn't you also score and have a good couple games just after you got a few new blades not that long ago? Seems like a trend.

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i always felt that I was faster when i bought new skates. Having that new thing does boost up your confidence, just like when you're buying new clothes and wearing it for the first time.

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I think its the equipment if you switch from a heavy wood stick to a super light composite stick your game will improve a little. Same with liter newer skates and other equipment but only if that new equipment fits better then your old and usually cheap stuff that weigh more and constantly getting in the way.

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Didn't you also score and have a good couple games just after you got a few new blades not that long ago? Seems like a trend.

Yeah, but if I tell my wife I need new gear every 3 games, I can see papers being put in front of me quicksmart.

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The good news is, as you get more confident, you'll eventually get more creative as well. With creativity, well, almost anything is possible. Try playing around with a smart ball or golf ball in your basement and think of new moves and new plays to do once you get out there on the ice. It will get you even more motivated to play some hockey.

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I'm a big believer that finding the right gear can make a difference in your game. Forget about how it looks, it's all about performance. I used to use some cheap gloves for years until they practically rotted off my hands. I could never find a decent pair of gloves that gave me the same feel and they stopped making the gloves I wore, I finally found a pair a couple of years ago that gave me the same feel and have settled in with them for the long haul.

Skates are probably even more important to get the right fit for your foot.

Sticks have to be the only other gear that I'm picky about.

Regardless of your gear, put in the practice time to see the most results. The right gear will just enhance the skills you already have.

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Sticks are the usual new item I have to work with. It is interesting though how in warm-up if the new stick "feels" right I have some extra ommph on my shot. Its almost like the first shot in warm-up, even before the goalie is in the net, sets the tone for the rest of the night. I am in the process now of having too many new OPS. I prefer a 77 flex Lidstrom pattern. My Vapor XXX fit the bill but once Warrior bought out Inno that option was over. I was using a Mission Pulse Grip 85 flex MacCauley(Lids). This OPS did take time to break in before it felt right. As my spring season ended, I bought a bunch of new OPS in the pattern I needed. The Warrior MacDaddy Grip 70 flex Jovo felt perfect in warm-up. A week later I used a 7K Int Phaneuf that wasn't just right. I spent the whole game alternating the Mac and 7K. My game was shot since I started with a stick that didn't feel right. So once the Mac wasn't improving my game(was it in my head? Yes.), I just said screw it, suffer with both. It is almost as if your game will be determined in the first minutes of warm-up if you are trying something new. I still have a Warrior Dolo and Mission Fuel to try in the pattern as well but am worried about screwing up my game before it even starts! What a head case!!

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Sticks, skates, and gloves can all factor into performance. If the stick lie/curve/flex isn't right for the player, then it will obviously screw up the said player's game. However, there are minimal gains from upgrading from a cheaper OPS to a more expensive "premium" OPS. Gloves can greatly affect the player's game if they are not broken in, or too big. Skates can affect a player's game if they don't have enough support, do not fit properly, or are not the preferred pitch of the skater.

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Not just performance but comfort. After playing a couple times without shoulder pads I realize that my shoulders just aren't comfortable for me. They're a little big and they're a little bulky. If you aren't comfortable on the ice how can you expect to perform at your peak level?

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Sticks, skates, and gloves can all factor into performance. If the stick lie/curve/flex isn't right for the player, then it will obviously screw up the said player's game. However, there are minimal gains from upgrading from a cheaper OPS to a more expensive "premium" OPS. Gloves can greatly affect the player's game if they are not broken in, or too big. Skates can affect a player's game if they don't have enough support, do not fit properly, or are not the preferred pitch of the skater.

We can even say that a different hollow than a skater's used to will affect performance. By that same token, the condition of the ice affects performance as well, especially if you have a deep hollow on soft ice.

Overall, though, as long as you truly look forward to skating you will perform better.

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It must be the stick. I don't know how I can objectively review it. The 3 times I've played (including last night) since I've got it, have been my 3 strongest games ever. I had a couple of assists last night, but they were very minor compared to how I felt I played.

I was making good decisions, clearances, just playing as good a game as I ever have.

20 seconds to go, I get a backhand on net, squeezes between the goalies legs, trickles and stops about 2 inches shy of the goal line, goalie flops back and whistle stops play.

Would have been a good ending to the game for me, but this stick has made a difference.

It's whippier, so my shots are better/faster. The curve and the lie are perfect, I've had a good lie before, but curve was still a work in progress. It's lighter, and it's given me confidence all round

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Sticks are the usual new item I have to work with. It is interesting though how in warm-up if the new stick "feels" right I have some extra ommph on my shot. Its almost like the first shot in warm-up, even before the goalie is in the net, sets the tone for the rest of the night. I am in the process now of having too many new OPS. I prefer a 77 flex Lidstrom pattern. My Vapor XXX fit the bill but once Warrior bought out Inno that option was over. I was using a Mission Pulse Grip 85 flex MacCauley(Lids). This OPS did take time to break in before it felt right. As my spring season ended, I bought a bunch of new OPS in the pattern I needed. The Warrior MacDaddy Grip 70 flex Jovo felt perfect in warm-up. A week later I used a 7K Int Phaneuf that wasn't just right. I spent the whole game alternating the Mac and 7K. My game was shot since I started with a stick that didn't feel right. So once the Mac wasn't improving my game(was it in my head? Yes.), I just said screw it, suffer with both. It is almost as if your game will be determined in the first minutes of warm-up if you are trying something new. I still have a Warrior Dolo and Mission Fuel to try in the pattern as well but am worried about screwing up my game before it even starts! What a head case!!

This is why I prefer to find a stick that works for me and buy a bunch of 'em. You'll almost never see me at the rink with two different sticks - and I usually have anywhere from two to five sticks with me at a time. They all have to be the same; the same sticks of the same flex with the same pattern cut to the same length and taped-up the same way. Part of it might be a bit OCD, but ultimately, I like being able to grab any stick from my arsenal and know exactly what I'm going to get...and if that one breaks, I can just grab another from the bench and not have to worry about any kind of adjustment period.

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I too like a lot of flex and both of my shafts (tps xn10 redlight, whip flex) are the same. I don't want any adjustment time during a game if I break my stick. The flex, coupled with the particular curve that I have used for last 10 years, make shooting and passing a reflex action which leads to greater accuracy.

The more motor memory you have for the various physical aspects of the game, the better. As you turn the physical attributes, like skating or stick handling skills, into reflex actions you'll be able to focus on other aspects of the game, such as positioning and play-anticipation.

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Sort of the same Idea here. When I'm on the road playing games, and I usually play good at this rink because I like the rink or my family who I dont see very often is there then my game usually gets picked up. I can think of this one time this year in playoffs we went into overtime and I'd been on the ice for the last 7 minutes because our other second year Dman split his chin open. When we went into overtime I was just beat and the other second year dman with stitches in his chin and myself stayed on until I cut into the middle and score the winner. This is one of the rinks that I usually play good at. I also know when I first get new skates, gloves, sticks, that I just fly out on the ice, and just feel great out there.

Edit: One more situation I can think of is I bought my first xxx lite ever. I'd never used one before and I really wanted one. In the year end tournament I was not scoring at all..just playing brutal all around. I went out and bought that stick. Scored atleast a goal in every game after that.

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