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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike/Bauer ONE95/ONE75 Skates

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picked mine up at letterman sports, just couldnt walk away from a 150 dollar deal!

breakaway hockey has them in needham, MA but they dont carry wide skates, they'd have to order you a pair and who knows how long that would take

only critique of the skate, the tongue is not what I wanted

its super stiff which I like but way to cheap out on the felt NBH... jesus christ is it thin

east west called me today about their custom tongues but as much as I'd love an all white custom white felt tongue on these I just dont want to sink anymore money into these skates

Thanks of the info.

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I can vouch for the one95's not hurting at all, even after a long session of ice. I had a company hockey tourney outside Boston last weekend. We played 4 games in a span of about 8 hours.

I left the skates on for the hour between the first and second games, took them off for an hour to eat before the third game, and then wore them for the third and fourth games, which were back to back. The start of the day was only my second time on the ice with the skates. I experienced the same feelings others have; of the skates becoming more responsive and comfortable after each successive use. I unlaced the top eyelet for the last two games and much preferred the feel and the increased forward flex I received...the support remained though.

I wear mine the same way...top eyelet unlaced. Same thing with the XXXXs. As a note, wear the tongue's in / shins out.

For sure, much cleaner look IMO. Been rocking them that way since probably '93.

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So I got my first session inn on my one95s

Overall I don't think they will work out for me. The skates are just too stiff. Thats the thing I hate about buying skates, the fit great but on the ice its a different story all together. That being said I will give them couple more sessions as people have suggested it takes about 3 sessions to get them right. But I must say as time went on they felt better.

They are very responsive, very quick turns, unlike anything I've tried so far.

I had them baked, but there are still some pressure points, especially on the right skate around the arch.

Question I have is, is it better to heat them up again or just use a blow drier and heat up the area ?

One thing I hate is the new tongue, its absolute crap, the tongue they had on the one90's blows this one out of the water. Felt tongue my ass lol.

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give them about 5-6 skates and fold them down while not in use(even if you're not a flopper). Once the tongue breaks in, it is quality. Out of the box, my thoughts were the same. Now, I like them.

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Ok I'm sure this was probably already answered but i dont really feel like scrolling through 65 pages. Anyways why is it that ive read a few people saying that lettermen sports is selling the one95s for $499? what am i missing? thanks.

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Technically, NBH cannot tell them how low they can sell it in-store. However, I believe they are violating policy because they are shipping the skates out-of-state.

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I wonder exactly what the MAP agreement covers, because technically they arent advertising that price... I see a change in the MAP plan if they continue.

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after the first skate my feet were killing me and I thought here we go again, another waist of 500+ I simply don't have

... after tonights skate night and day, real comfortable BUT!!! one thing

for some reason I just didnt feel right out there when making aggressive turns and cuts, after I skated looked at the blades, they checked out BUT!... the freaking TUUKS are bowed on these mothers!

my buddy was telling me about this happening at the release point of the 90's and am thinking is this the same thing. They arent off terribly but enough to start bothering me mentally, and since they are only off a slight bit I am assuming that the holes cannot be redrilled... will this be a warranty issue that I will have on my hands...

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I dont think you could see the issue if I took pictures, because essentially I'm determining this by lining up the seems, there is a seem on the blue thing on the heel and is supposed to line up with the seem on the tuuk

its not the blades, the holders appear to be put on crooked

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after the first skate my feet were killing me and I thought here we go again, another waist of 500+ I simply don't have

... after tonights skate night and day, real comfortable BUT!!! one thing

for some reason I just didnt feel right out there when making aggressive turns and cuts, after I skated looked at the blades, they checked out BUT!... the freaking TUUKS are bowed on these mothers!

my buddy was telling me about this happening at the release point of the 90's and am thinking is this the same thing. They arent off terribly but enough to start bothering me mentally, and since they are only off a slight bit I am assuming that the holes cannot be redrilled... will this be a warranty issue that I will have on my hands...

I would take them back. You didn't pay $500+ for skates with mis-aligned holders. Can't hurt to try, right?

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letterman said send them back... not sure what to do about all of this because I guess by the time I send them back and then have to have another pair baked... jesus this is adding up

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I wouldn't know what to look for when checking skates for mis-aligned holders, could you advise what exactly I need to look for?

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On a slightly different topic, looking at the NBH website, they have Thermoformable uppers all the way down to the one35's. That's a nice change considering companies have been only offering that feature on their top two models.

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I wouldn't know what to look for when checking skates for mis-aligned holders, could you advise what exactly I need to look for?

if you look at the back of the skate where NBH placed the blue heel thing there is a seem that runs right down the middle of the heel, the holder also has a seem that runs through the middle of the holder. theoretically these lines should line up, one of my skates does, one of mine doesn't

not sure if I'm doing a great job describing this so some pics will soon be posted

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Actually, no. Don't go by that seam. It's not necessarily going to be dead center on every skate.

Obv if the steel is bent, it's bent, and has to be fixed.

My steel is straight and doesn't line up with the seam.

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