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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stories Behind Your Username

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I was a member of the caps boards, and signed up after seeing austin powers goldmember. So I made my username smokeandapancake.

Then I had to re-register, and couldn't use that, so allsmokenopancake was born. And I use it for hockey boards (here, caps, hfboards) so I only have one username to remember

I figured that that is what it was from.....I died laughing the first time I read your name and just hoped that that was what it was from. Now that the meaning is confirmed.....one of the BEST names that I have seen on here.....hands down.


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It started with hfboards. I didn't want to use one of my old sn's and wanted something hockey related. I didn't want something like TBL_is_da_r0x0rs, so I settled on TBLfan. Not a huge fan of it but hey, who cares?

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The Blues had a campaign a few years ago, "Do you bleed blue?". The logo is called the Blue Note. Put them together, and there you have it. It's also the name of my Blues blog.

Plus, anything bleeding is way more metal. :angry:

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My name, because I did not want to be incognito and hide behind a nickname.

hey JR, how do you pronounce your name? is it bow-ch-cot?

oh ya, my username is just my last name and my hockey #

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It's a spin-off nickname from my last name. The High School buddies started calling me that in an attempt to tick me off. It just stuck. And I've been known as Roach ever since.

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in one of the Decline of Video Gaming 2(flash movie), when a character named Tom gets set on fire, that's what he says. My friend even has an "OHMYGODIMONFIRE" t-shirt.

on a side note, any way to make up sns? I need new ones.

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Guys from one of my teams made it up. First 2 letters of my first name are CO and the first three letters of my last name are BRA = Cobra, and it stuck. 27 is my date of birth, 17 is my #.

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Pretty much growing up (and even now by some miracle lol) I was always faster than everyone else, I'm African-American, and the number seven has always been my number in some way or another.

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Del Tha Funky Homosapien, one of my fave reppers

Funky indeed. He's always been one of my favorites, even before he had songs in the Tony Hawk games.

T=Twelve. Twelve was the most points i racked up in one game.

17= the number i first wanted. I ended up with 71 instead.

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My original name was Vapor Myst on the easton board. Everybody thinks I use Vapor because of the Bauer line of products, but im not. I use to run a website about 8 or 9 years ago and it was called Vapor Myst, when I joined corebeam I shortened it to Vapor, then did a stint as Belkin, and now I am back to good ol Vapor.

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Mine pays homage to one of the sickest hardcore bands from Jersey, Fury of Five.

wow, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time..

Mine is pretty simple... my first name, middle inital, last name. Anthony J. Ta....

fury used to be on victory records, i think they were on a victory style back in the day, not sure.

my name is also just my initials.

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first initial, middle initial, first four of last name. When in doubt for a username, this always seems to work and now I have it for all sorts of logins so it stuck.

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