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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stories Behind Your Username

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Dark Star is a title from an early Grateful Dead song. 50 is my football number from back in the day.

Back in the day? Sure it was 50 and not L?

I heard Jesus used to rock a doorag under his helmet to keep his hair out of his eyes. Confirm? :P

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Dark Star is a title from an early Grateful Dead song. 50 is my football number from back in the day.

Back in the day? Sure it was 50 and not L?

I heard Jesus used to rock a doorag under his helmet to keep his hair out of his eyes. Confirm? :P


Nope, no helmet. Must have been grandfathered in.

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Never had the beard but the long hair was there a long, long time ago. I was agile , mobile, and hostile. BCSL American Division League Champs 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973.

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Nope, no helmet. Must have been grandfathered in.

C'mon...who's gonna tell the Son of God that he has to wear a bucket. For that matter....who's gonna try to tackle the SON OF GOD???

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i was registering on a hockey forum right before the lockout. I couldnt think of a freaking user name and finally said "fuck it", and was about to just leave the board... well, the alteration is obvious from there.

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Tigers fan...and it became an inside joke with me and a few of the boys.. I'm a Ti-girl.

I've heard that lots of girls are ti-curious. :huh:

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Mine was Badkitty but everybody thought I was a girl.. so I had it changed to BK.

The funny part was that you had to keep that, "BTW I'm a GUY" message in your sig.

Good times :lol:

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I was tired of signing up for enewsletters and the like and always having to change my user ID because someone else had it. In view of this I wanted to come up with something totally unique so I took my initials of JT and doubled it up to JJTT, then I added 99 in honour of Gretz. JJTT99 pretty obvious eh?

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Well Foppa was my favorite player at the time and 91 is my favorite number so...

On most of the other forums and stuff requiring a user name I'm Kuban-sick91. My last name is Kubancik (pronounced Cub-an-sick). Last year on my team my nickname was Cuban (or Kuban) and then sick at the end is implying that I am sick at what I do haha. and of course 91 again...

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I was looking for some info on google on a pair of skates, found modsquad and just signed up quick and didnt put any effort into my name cause I didnt plan on it going past getting an answer to my question. Ended up liking what i saw and here i am almost 3 years later.

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Mine pays homage to one of the sickest hardcore bands from Jersey, Fury of Five.

wow, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time..

Mine is pretty simple... my first name, middle inital, last name. Anthony J. Ta....

fury used to be on victory records, i think they were on a victory style back in the day, not sure.

my name is also just my initials.

I ended up hearing them on a harcore compilation a long time ago, and a buddy of mine was big into them... and some E-Town Concrete. He was big into the Jersey hardcore for a bit.

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My name is Doug. People call me Dougie pretty much everywhere (golf, hockey, school). 8 has been my number forever.

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Ultimus was from Transformers, a name I've had on AOL and games for years. I just dropped the O and added a U to change it a bit.

My email is noneareleft@hotmail.com , I tried various combos of my name and numbers to no avail, I then just typed that in and it went.

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i am what i am....

When i first registred, i was about to use my full name as nick, but then i realized my surname contains letters that dont exist in the english/american alphabeth so..

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